Rather poignant, driving this one today #neverforgotten #welovemanchester #westandtogether 🐝🚃🐝
#WeStandTogether #welovemanchester #neverforgotten
I remember that morning, while in my office, seven years ago when terror struck the streets of #Brussels.
32 souls lost their lives to brutal and senseless acts of terrorism.
We honour the memories of the victims and their loved ones.
#BrusselsAttacks #WeStandTogether
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EvaMaydell/status/1638494815213027328
#Brussels #BrusselsAttacks #WeStandTogether
RT @BrusselsAirport: 7 years ago, a day we will always remember. Our thoughts go out to the victims of the 22 March 2016 attacks, their families, friends & loved ones. #WeStandTogether #wearebrusselsairport
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tomvdkendelaere/status/1638428541250314241
#WeStandTogether #wearebrusselsairport
22 March 2016! The attacks in #Brussels! My
thoughts are with the victims of the 22 March 2016 attacks, their families and friends.
#WeStandTogether #wearebrusselsairport
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1638434718386405378
#Brussels #WeStandTogether #wearebrusselsairport #Maelbeek
#11M 🖤
RT @EUHomeAffairs: ⚫️ Today, Europe pays tribute to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks.
We will never forget them.
"Your father is a hero, a European hero" 🗣️ @YlvaJohansson #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUHomeAffairs/status/1634485452576108547
#11m #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
On European Day of Remembrance for #VictimsOfTerrorism
#WeStandTogether to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in terrorist attacks.
#WeStandTogether to support the victims, to make sure they can fully rely on their #EUVictimsRights
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1634494372929478662
#VictimsofTerrorism #WeStandTogether #EUVictimsRights
Na Europski dan sjećanja na žrtve terorizma odajemo počast žrtvama i osobama koje su preživjele terorističke napade.
Radimo na boljem sprečavanju terorističkih prijetnji i odgovoru na njih, stavljajući glas žrtava i preživjelih u središte našeg odgovora.
RT @EU_Commission: On the European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, we pay tribute to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks.
We work to better prevent and respond to terror…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1634494144025436161
On the European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, we pay tribute to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks.
We work to better prevent and respond to terrorist threats, putting the voices of victims and survivors at the centre of our response.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Commission/status/1634464179565350913
Today, European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, Europe pays tribute to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks.
We will never forget them nor will we surrender to the fear terrorists try to instil.
#VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1634455867327406082
#VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
⚫️ Today, Europe pays tribute to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks.
We will never forget them.
"Your father is a hero, a European hero" 🗣️ @YlvaJohansson #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUHomeAffairs/status/1634204616647663620
#VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
🔴 LIVE 19th European Remembrance Day for #VictimsofTerrorism: an annual ceremony established after the #11M 2004 Madrid bombings, one of the deadliest #terroristattacks in our history
@YlvaJohansson provides opening remarks #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether https://n.respublicae.eu/i/broadcasts/1BdxYyPqenDxX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUHomeAffairs/status/1634182553295810562
#VictimsofTerrorism #11m #terroristattacks #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
RT @EUHomeAffairs: ⚫️ Today, Europe pays tribute to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks.
We will never forget them.
"Your father is a hero, a European hero" 🗣️ @YlvaJohansson #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1634216802984116225
#VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
RT @EUHomeAffairs: 🔴 LIVE 19th European Remembrance Day for #VictimsofTerrorism: an annual ceremony established after the #11M 2004 Madrid bombings, one of the deadliest #terroristattacks in our history
@YlvaJohansson provides opening remarks #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether https://n.respublicae.eu/i/broadcasts/1BdxYyPqenDxX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EC_StockholmRep/status/1634200139710574595
#VictimsofTerrorism #11m #terroristattacks #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
RT @EUHomeAffairs: 🔴 LIVE 19th European Remembrance Day for #VictimsofTerrorism: an annual ceremony established after the #11M 2004 Madrid bombings, one of the deadliest #terroristattacks in our history
@YlvaJohansson provides opening remarks #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether https://n.respublicae.eu/i/broadcasts/1BdxYyPqenDxX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1634182735475486720
#VictimsofTerrorism #11m #terroristattacks #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether
19th European Remembrance Day for #VictimsofTerrorism
🔴LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO4uNIavd5s
RT @RANEurope: 📅 10 March
📍 Online/Brussels, 🇧🇪
⌚ 14:00 (CET)
Tomorrow is the 19th European Remembrance Day for #VictimsofTerrorism; an annual ceremony established after the 2004 Madrid bombings, one of the deadliest #terroristattacks in European history.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUHomeAffairs/status/1633779928436015104
#VictimsofTerrorism #VoicesOfHope #WeStandTogether #terroristattacks
Die Geschichte der Menschheit ist eine Geschichte von Veränderung, Fortschritt und Verbesserung in allen Aspekten unserer gemeinsamen Erfahrung auf der Suche nach einem besseren Leben. Diese Veränderungen bestanden hauptsächlich aus Reformationen und Transformationen sozialen, kulturellen, politischen, religiösen oder wirtschaftlichen Fortschritts. https://twitter.com/IIIYauhenIII/status/1624235847082975233?t=nd77rp_G76gTNYDqfxT06w&s=19
#UN #UNO @belwarriors
#BelarusIGD #Democracy_Vision #Belarus #Ukraine
#StandForPeace #WeStandTogether @deutschlandfunk
#un #uno #BelarusIGD #DEMOCRACY_Vision #Belarus #Ukraine #StandForPeace #WeStandTogether
#Sicherheitsarchitektur & #Friedensordnung nach Interessen des menschenverachtenden Herrschaftssystems zu gestalten, ist politisch absurd,völkerrechtlich unhaltbar & moralisch inakzeptabel. #Kremlin #KGB vor #Tribunal stellen @abaerbock
Missachtung universeller Menschenrechte, internationaler Vereinbarungen & des Völkerrechts-diese Tradition der Repression auch in #Belarus hat eine lange Geschichte. #WeStandTogether
#Demokratie ist Zukunft #Europa*s.
#sicherheitsarchitektur #friedensordnung #Kremlin #kgb #tribunal #Belarus #WeStandTogether #Demokratie #Europa
Respekt an @Die_Gruenen mit @ABaerbock und Herrn Habeck vom @BMWK
Belarus sowie Ukraine werden frei und Europa sicher.
@belwarriors @DefenceU @Makeiev
Die Lieferung der militärischen Ausrüstung ist auch ein Zeichen dafür, dass Kremlin diesen Krieg nicht mehr gewinnen kann.
@DefenceU @defenceu_mirror
@belwarriors @zianon_pazniak
Imperialer Autoritarismus muss fallen.
Ukraine und Belarus #WeStandTogether