Here, in the European Parliament, we continue to monitor and protest against atrocities imposed by the #PRC on the democratic community of #HongKong. Long live free Hong Kong🇭🇰!
#WeStandWithHK #FreeCardinalZen
#prc #HongKong #WeStandWithHK #FreeCardinalZen
#TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK // @europarl_en @EPPGroup // A Hongkong, le souvenir de Tiananmen bâillonné – via @LaMatinale_M
#TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
Today marks 33 years since the Tiananmen Protests. The illegalisation of the vigils demonstrates the suppression of democratic opposition in Hong Kong. We stand with its citizens and their struggle for full democracy. #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
RT @hermanntertsch: Jamás se olvide la matanza de #Tiananmen del 4 de junio de 1989.
Acción conjunta de miembros del Parlamento Europeo en solidaridad con Hong-Kong y con las víctimas en China de la dictadura comunista.
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#Tiananmen #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
Jamás se olvide la matanza de #Tiananmen del 4 de junio de 1989.
Acción conjunta de miembros del Parlamento Europeo en solidaridad con Hong-Kong y con las víctimas en China de la dictadura comunista.
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#Tiananmen #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
This 4 June evening I light my candle to the victims of Tiananmen Square 1989. 2022 marks the first year when HK government has banned the vigil. #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #WeStandWithHK
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #WeStandWithHK
Heute vor 33 Jahren wurden beim #TiananmenSquareMassacre in Beijing Menschen umgebracht, die für #Menschenrechte und #Demokratie kämpften. Wir gedenken ihrer heute und werden sie nie vergessen.
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#TiananmenSquareMassacre #menschenrechte #Demokratie #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
Oggi la veglia a Hong Kong in ricordo delle violenze di piazza #Tienanmen è stata soppressa per 1^ volta dall'89 col motivazioni pretestuose.
Ma oggi nella piazza digitale possiamo accendere una candela per il popolo cinese, e per Hong Kong
#TienanMen #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
Heute möchte ich der Niederschlagung der Tiananmen gedenken
Die Tiananmen-Demokratiebewegung wurde am 4. Juni 1989 gewaltsam in China beendet & dieses Jahr wurde eine Mahnwache offiziell verboten
#demogracy #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#demogracy #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
2022 marks the first year in which the #Tiananmen vigil is officially forbidden by the Hong Kong government.
#TiananmenSquareMassacre #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#Tiananmen #TiananmenSquareMassacre #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
Today marks 33 years since the massacre on Tiananmen Square committed by the #CCP regime. This year, the commemoration was forbidden in Hong Kong, so let us all help in remembering the victims.
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#CCP #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
Cette année marque la 1ère année que le gouv de Hong Kong interdit les commémorations du massacre de #Tiananmen, le 4 juin 1989.
Le régime chinois veut nous faire oublier le meurtre de manifestants pacifiques défendant la démocratie. Nous ne l'oublierons pas. #WeStandWithHK
With all forms of democratic opposition systematically persecuted & silenced, we will continue the vigils commemorating the atrocities of 4 June 1989, in solidarity with those fighting for democracy in Hong Kong & China. #WeStandWithHK #TiananmenVigil2022
#WeStandWithHK #TiananmenVigil2022
Avui fa 33 anys de les protestes a Tiananmen. Davant la il·legalització aquest any de la vigília i la constant repressió del govern de Hong Kong, mostrem la nostra solidaritat amb els seus ciutadans i la seva lluita per una democràcia plena. #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
In 1989, 🇨🇳 military killed hundreds of peaceful protestors at #Tiananmen square. This year, the annual commemoration is officially forbidden by the HK government - no one is allowed to light candles at the square. Let us show our support 🕯️
#Tiananmen #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
33 years ago protesters for democracy and human rights were massacred at #TiananmenSquare. Repression in Hong Kong has increased and this year the #TiananmenVigil2022 is officially forbidden by Hong Kong government. #WeStandWithHK and we can't #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989
#TiananmenSquare #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四
33 years ago, brave fighters for #Democracy and human rights were murdered in the #TiananmenSquareMassacre
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#Democracy #TiananmenSquareMassacre #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
RT @davidlega: Today marks 33 years since the massacre on Tiananmen Square committed by the #CCP regime. This year, the commemoration was forbidden in Hong Kong, so let us all help in remembering the victims.
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#CCP #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
RT @ecrgroup: 2022 marks the first year in which the #Tiananmen vigil is officially forbidden by the Hong Kong government.
#TiananmenSquareMassacre #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
#Tiananmen #TiananmenSquareMassacre #NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #毋忘六四 #TiananmenVigil2022 #WeStandWithHK
Vandaag 33 jaar geleden.
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #WeStandWithHK
RT @bueti: On 4 June 1989, the People's Liberation Army of China cracked down on peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators in #Beijing. Pictures of soldiers gathering on the #Tiananmen Square and of brave citizens standing in the way of rolling tanks are still part of our collective memory. 1/5
#NeverForgetJuneFourth1989 #WeStandWithHK #beijing #Tiananmen