RT @GorillasWorkers@twitter.com
Alert! We organize in less than 10 minutes! Join us at Muskauerstrasse 48! Third blockade this week after no changes from management! #WeWantSantiBack
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GorillasWorkers/status/1403415109351923714
RT @GorillasWorkers@twitter.com
We are calling for #solidarity actions today! Please support us in any way you can! If you have any banners, graffitis, etc. please pm them to us!
@gorillasapp@twitter.com has removed the list of their Berlin locations from the website, so please see below:
#wewantsantiback #b1106
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GorillasWorkers/status/1403262745223573507
#b1106 #WeWantSantiBack #Solidarity
RT @GorillasWorkers@twitter.com
We are calling for #solidarity actions today! Please support us in any way you can! If you have any banners, graffitis, etc. please pm them to us!
@gorillasapp@twitter.com has removed the list of their Berlin locations from the website, so please see below:
#wewantsantiback #b1106
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GorillasWorkers/status/1403262745223573507
#b1106 #WeWantSantiBack #Solidarity
Volle Solidarität mit @GorillasWorkers@twitter.com!
Seitdem dem Rider Santiago ohne Warnung gekündigt wurde, streiken die Arbeiter:innen von @gorillasapp@twitter.com für die Wiederanstellung von Santi und bessere, sicherere Arbeitsbedingungen. Kommt zu den Filialen und supportet! #WeWantSantiBack
RT @FAUGewerkschaft
Die Arbeiter:innen bei @gorillasapp brauchen weiterhin eure Solidaritaet. Dazu hier die Liste der Standorte in #Berlin, die von der Website des Konzerns entfernt wurde. #WeWantSantiBack #b1106 @GorillasWorkers https://twitter.com/GorillasWorkers/status/1403262745223573507
#berlin #WeWantSantiBack #b1106
RT @GorillasWorkers
All workers just received an email from @gorillasapp.
We don't really know what they're trying to say with this, but there's a Zoom link (https://gorillasapp.zoom.us/j/94977294875#success). We invite you all to join tomorrow at 3 pm Berlin time and let the management know what you think!
RT @GorillasWorkers@twitter.com
#WeWantSantiBack #WeWantSantiBack #WeWantSantiBack #WeWantSantiBack #WeWantSantiBack
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GorillasWorkers/status/1402909401925701632
RT @agil_lg@twitter.com
Solidarity to @GorillasWorkers@twitter.com from #Lüneburg!
United we will never be defeated 🖤
Sending you Power, Love and Rage!
#lüneburg #WeWantSantiBack #b1006 #solidarity
Solidarität mit den streikenden Rider:innen vom @GorillasWorkers@twitter.com!
Ab 11 Uhr wird sich heute Support an der Prenzlauer Allee 189 gewünscht! Wer kann: hin da!
#gorillas #WeWantSantiBack