Jezbers #FBPR #FBPPR · @jezbers
282 followers · 207 posts · Server

Been wondering for a while what is a wealth creator. I've concluded, from all the examples I can see, they are actually wealth siphons. They extract wealth on massive scale for their own betterment. Typically they exploit workers and consumers in order to do this. Perhaps it's time we stopped thinking wealth creators are to be encouraged and consider perhaps they should be legislated against or at the very least recognised for what they truly are.

#capitalism #gtto #WealthCreators

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
187 followers · 1816 posts · Server


cannot get their head round exonomics - it cuts across too many of their prejudices.

The buying yachts in tax havens using untaxed income held in & the like are literally siphoning wealth out of the - all the while claiming they are ......

#tories #keynsian #rich #Scottish #llps #uk #WealthCreators

Last updated 2 years ago

ProjectFearlessness · @ProjectFearlessness
814 followers · 2046 posts · Server