Some additional stats on why we need a #WealthTaxNow :
The UK's 171 richest people increased their wealth by £30bn last year. They now have a combined wealth of over £680bn according to the Times Rich List.
At a time when so many ordinary people are struggling to get by, this is pretty disgusting. It also shows that the Tory/BoE line that we all need to accept we're poorer is yet another lie because the #SuperRich aren't getting poorer - they're getting #FilthyRich
Time to #TaxTheRich
#taxtherich #filthyrich #superrich #WealthTaxNow
The ability to accumulate wealth for yourself, so much that you end up with a £multi-million tax bill, is not a sign of success: it is a failure of the worst kind — a failure of humanity.
Millionaires in government are not public servants: they are social parasites, taking from the public purse when they could be working to end poverty.
Ask yourself: what kind of person sits on this kind of wealth whilst others go cold and hungry?
#WealthTaxNow #toriesout #socialparasites
Call for new taxes on super-rich after 1% pocket two-thirds of all new wealth
$26tn of new wealth created since start of pandemic went to richest:
#WealthTaxNow #gtto #enoughisenough
Trump’s tax returns show (again) the desperate need for a #WealthTax.
Year after year, Trump “lost” huge amounts of income. Yet he lived lavishly, acquired assets and claimed to get ever wealthier. Income is too easily manipulated by the wealthy who dodge paying taxes - starving our communities of funds.
Demand your leaders create #WealthTaxNow Can we continue to fuel the wealth of the minority to such a scale if we want to live in any form of decent society? #WealthTaxNow
The real ‘black hole’ is in our tax system, which taxes the earned income of ordinary working people, but not the unearned wealth of the richest in society #WealthTaxNow
This week's video:
Who Actually Pays Taxes?
Great to hear @CarolineLucas arguing strongly for wealth tax on #BBCLauraK
These are political choices and right now it is morally right to ask the super-rich to pay more
RT @GreenPartyMolly: Great to hear @CarolineLucas arguing strongly for wealth tax on #BBCLauraK
These are political choices and right now it is morally right to ask the super-rich to pay more