#International_Tech_News | MEMORY LANE
#Ron_DeSantis #Threatens to #Pull #Vaccine from #FLORIDA. county that #accused him of favoring #Wealthy_Whites |
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to #divert coronavirus vaccine #doses from a county whose officials criticized him for opening a pop-up vaccination site limited to residents of an affluent, #mostly_white_community.
#Manatee_County_officials from #both_parties #criticized the #Republican_Governor after the state's #pop_up clinics in the #area were #limited to #two_zip_codes that are two of the #richest and #least_impacted in the #county, according to the #Bradenton_Herald.
Both zip codes are more than 90% #white with median incomes #over $100,000, according to #WTVT.
Manatee County #Commissioner #Vanessa_Baugh told the Herald that the clinics were set up in #Lakewood_Ranch and #other_wealthy_areas after DeSantis $spoke with Lakewood Ranch #developer #Rex_Jensen, a #campaign_donor.
"You're taking the #whitest_demographic and #richest_demographic in #Manatee County and putting them #before_everyone_else," County Commissioner Misty Servia, a Republican, said during a meeting this week.
"This is #bad for #all of #us, regardless of what district or population we represent because it makes our #system #look_bad," said #County_Commissioner #Reggie_Bellamy, a Democrat.
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Ron_DeSantis #Threatens #pull #vaccine #florida #accused #Wealthy_Whites #divert #doses #mostly_white_community #Manatee_County_officials #Both_Parties #criticized #Republican_Governor #pop_up #area #limited #two_zip_codes #richest #least_impacted #county #BRADENTON_HERALD #white #over #WTVT #Commissioner #Vanessa_Baugh #LAKEWOOD_RANCH #other_wealthy_areas #developer #Rex_Jensen #campaign_donor #whitest_demographic #richest_demographic #Manatee #before_everyone_else #Bad #all #us #System #look_bad #County_Commissioner #Reggie_Bellamy
#International_Tech_News | #BIG_GOV | #BIG_HEALTH | #BIG_PHARMA | #MEMORY_LANE |
#Ron_DeSantis #Threatens to #Pull #Vaccine from #FLORIDA. county that #accused him of favoring #Wealthy_Whites |
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to #divert coronavirus vaccine #doses from a county whose officials criticized him for opening a pop-up vaccination site limited to residents of...
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#doses #divert #Wealthy_Whites #accused #florida #vaccine #pull #Threatens #Ron_DeSantis #Memory_Lane #big_pharma #BIG_HEALTH #BIG_GOV #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#BIG_GOV | MEMORY LANE | #Ron_DeSantis #Threatens to #Pull #Vaccine from #FLORIDA. county that #accused him of favoring #Wealthy_Whites
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to #divert coronavirus vaccine #doses from a county whose officials criticized him for opening a pop-up vaccination site limited to residents of an affluent, #mostly_white_community.
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#mostly_white_community #doses #divert #Wealthy_Whites #accused #florida #vaccine #pull #Threatens #Ron_DeSantis #BIG_GOV