#Russia's vaunted #weapon isn't that great
#russia #Weapon #patriotmissilefense #Russianhypersonicmissile
📱 Headlines From 2023: “That’s when I got my #weapon and pulled the trigger as fast as I could, and then drove away and called 911,” Perry told police. – yourdestinationnow https://gatewaybeast.wordpress.com/2023/04/22/%f0%9f%93%b1-headlines-from-2023-thats-when-i-got-my-weapon-and-pulled-the-trigger-as-fast-as-i-could-and-then-drove-away-and-called-911-perry-told-police-yourdestinat/
Card #Games 🃏 are just #PlayingCards 💳
♟ Just like #Chess is just Chess
♟The Cards represent the 4 elements
#Earth 🌏
#Water 💦
#Air 🌬
#Fire 🔥
#spades ♠️
air 🌬
⚔️ #Swords ⚔️
#diamonds ♦️
earth 🌏
Money 💰 #coins 🪙
#hearts ♥️
feelings ♥️ relationships
💦Water 💦 elements
#Wands #Rods
🔥 fire 🔥
they try to MAKE U #Afraid of EVERYTHING
♟Their Favorite #WEAPON is FEAR
♟& They HIDE the “Secrets” behind a Curtain
♟& tell U it’s super duper scary DONT 🤣LOOK🤣
#Weapon #afraid #rods #Wands #clubs #cups #hearts #pentacles #coins #Diamonds #swords #spades #fire #air #water #Earth #chess #playingcards #games
Is this what biden meant when he suggested Americans needed more than guns to defend ourselves from tyranny?
#elon #musk #ai #swarm #drone #robot #technology #aerodynamic #Weapon
#Weapon #aerodynamic #technology #robot #drone #swarm #ai #musk #elon
🔫 🔫 🔫 AWESOME 🔫 🔫 🔫
🇺🇸 Language is English
President Jair Bolsonaro has urged millions of Brazilians to arm themselves as soon as possible in order to fight against the tyrannical elites who want to enslave them.
During his campaign for office, Bolsonaro vowed to relax Brazil’s gun laws so that citizens could protect themselves from the country’s rampant crime and violence. And he kept that promise.
🇳🇱 Dutch translation https://www.frontnieuws.com/braziliaanse-president-bolsonaro-wil-het-volk-wil-bewapenen-zodat-de-globalisten-hen-niet-tot-slaaf-kunnen-maken-video/
President Jair Bolsonaro heeft miljoenen Brazilianen opgeroepen zich zo snel mogelijk te bewapenen om te vechten tegen de tirannieke elites die hen tot slaaf willen maken. “Iedereen moet een geweer kopen, verdomme! Gewapende mensen zullen nooit tot slaaf gemaakt worden,” zei Bolsonaro.
How the #military fashioned a #weapon out of #mmWave
How the #military fashioned a #weapon out of #mmWave
How the #military fashioned a #weapon out of #mmWave
Russia’s Greatest Weapon is not a Weapon
#Russia #Weapon #Greatest
VIDEO: Antifa “Insurrectionist” Attacking A US Senators Office With A Deadly Weapon – Dems Give Him Money, FBI Give His Weapon Back No Media Coverage
#Antifa #Insurrectionist #SenatorOffice #Weapon #Media
#media #Weapon #SenatorOffice #insurrectionist #Antifa
#Dr.ZevZelenko tells #Mike Adams #CovidVaccines are a depopulation #Weapon against #Humanity
#humanity #Weapon #covidvaccines #Mike #dr
Navy #sonic #weapon turns a person's #voice against them
#Weapon of #Fear: How They Use Fear to #Manipulate #You (Video) #SocialControl https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2020/10/weapon-of-fear-how-they-use-fear-to-manipulate-you-video-3734365.html
#Weapon #fear #Manipulate #You #socialcontrol