#ScottRitter, former #UnitedNations #WeaponsInspector and #US #Marine, has some harsh words for the faux #AntiWar movement.
I am myself somewhat more forgiving, considering the escalation in propaganda since the disastrous #Bush - #Cheney regime. Nevertheless, he makes good points.
#ScottRitter #unitednations #WeaponsInspector #us #marine #antiwar #bush #cheney
Of course a #UN Chief #WeaponsInspector and dissenting voice who bravely spoke up against the #WMD narrative twenty years ago, would be banned on #birdsite.
He saw past the #forcedNews narrative about #Bucha.
Take out the popcorn.
Watch your life crackle, pop and fizzle, friends. Because its 2022 and too many dipsticks don't realise they need to GetOut of #TurdSite.
#un #WeaponsInspector #WMD #birdsite #forcedNews #Bucha #TurdSite