Anyone else think #MGB #MGH #MassGeneralBrigham ‘s website statement that “no you may not ask your provider to wear a mask for your appointment” is a big fat lawsuit waiting to happen? Since when can they dictate speech? #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #StillAPandemic #PublicHealth #WearN95 #Covid #Massachusetts #Disability #LongCovid #CovidIsAVascularDisease
#covidisavasculardisease #LongCovid #disability #massachusetts #covid #WearN95 #publichealth #StillAPandemic #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #massgeneralbrigham #mgh #mgb
@emeritrix fuck that shit. I’m going to ask and also bring extra N95s to give providers at appointments. I want them to wash their fool hands too. Basic preventative care, dammit. They can’t stop us from asking. We are patients. Their health is in our hands. I call bullshit. #MGH #MGB #PublicHealth #WearN95
#WearN95 #publichealth #mgb #mgh
We're having essential construction indoors this week. No non-us in house since 3/2020. Workers will test + #wearN95. We'll open windows, run multiple #HEPA + 1 #CorsiRosenthalBox, + have 1 fan blowing out window. We'll mask when in same space with them, open windows on other floor of house (where we'll be). We'll filter/mask for an hour after they leave. I expect I will be hitting the CBD every day. Construction is stressy enough, but during plague times? UGH #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #corsirosenthalbox #hepa #WearN95
You can #WearN95 to keep you healthy while doing so many things--grocery shopping, most medical appointments (unless they need to look in your nose/mouth), socializing, protecting community health, punching Nazis. #MaskUp #KeepMaskMandatesInHealthcare #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #keepmaskmandatesinhealthcare #MaskUp #WearN95
People in my network who avoided #Covid til recently now having second infection in a few months. They SAY they mask indoors but they’re still getting it. Bet they’re not using N95s. (They also travel…) #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #WearN95
#WearN95 #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #covid
Passed a neighbor walking her dog across the street. Had thought she was away but nope, apparently back now. Said hi as we passed from over the road. I've been making myself not mask when I pass people outdoors that far away (a good 15 feet I'd say). This evening I see on FB that she's got Covid. Sigh....hope outdoors + the width of road do their viral-dissipation job for me. I think she should have been masked. GAH. #CovidIsNotOver #WearN95 #CovidIsAirborne
#COVIDisAirborne #WearN95 #CovidIsNotOver
Walked into rural village PO. Inside: worker + 2 customers, all 60+, yakking away, unmasked. I (wearing N95) went back outside til they were done. It was a struggle not to ask them why they weren't masked, it seems as obviously reasonable as wearing a coat when it's freezing cold out. Sigh. This is in a really progressive University-adjacent community. SMH. #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #WearN95
#WearN95 #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
My friend's entire family got #Covid from GRANDPA (75). He infected grandma, adult kids + spouses + infant grandbaby. All recovering now. What enrages me most: with acute phase done, folks say "eh that was survivable, why all so scared? Let's party!" because they don't understand it's POST-ACUTE impacts that are so dangerous (clotting/vascular/stroke/heart failure/sudden death or chronic disabling fatigue/brain fog/weakness/microclotting/etc). #CovidIsNotOver #WearN95 #CovidIsAirborne
#COVIDisAirborne #WearN95 #CovidIsNotOver #covid
Long COVID is way more common than anyone or any entity is reporting.
This is why I go out of my way to avoid ever being infected.
Wear an N95 or better (mine is P100) in all indoor public spaces and outdoor crowds. Don't take off to eat. COVID lingers in air, can infect you within seconds.
Long COVID is blood clots all throughout the body, brain damage, heart damage, immune system destruction, and a plethora of other effects.
#covid #COVIDisAirborne #WearN95
My pleather jacket has been updated with new buttons! #JusticeForClara is in honour of the 4 year old girl who was killed last week. She was killed by her nurse, who infected her with COVID. The killer nurse refused to #WearN95 against her parents' will.
I joined twitter to #resist after the 2016 election and lately hang out there for the excellent information on #covid.
I am a biostatistican working with cancer research data, a mom, and a native-plant enthusiast.
Other things I care about:
#Democracy #VoteBlue #ClimateChange #Pollinators
#CovidIsAirborne #WearN95 #BringBackMasks #CovidIsNotOver
#introduction #twittermigration #resist #covid #democracy #VoteBlue #climatechange #pollinators #COVIDisAirborne #WearN95 #BringBackMasks #CovidIsNotOver #AbortionIsHealthcare #humanrights