Dwight (DB) 🤔 · @dabertime
1370 followers · 2871 posts · Server mstdn.social

I am immunocompromised and also cannot be safely vaccinated, so rely on people giving a shit about others and being able to tolerate the absolute minimum of temporary inconveniences, something as simple as masking while in busy indoor spaces.

This explains why I rarely go anywhere or have to leave, and No, I have not seen my family in 3 years.

#WearYourDamnMask #CovidIsNotOver

Last updated 2 years ago

Ekinnajay 🇧🇻 · @Ekinnajay
633 followers · 3703 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@ckkellymartin use hashtags to get a wider audience because there are many who feel this way, and it isn't only Canada.

#covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #WearYourDamnMask #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Ekinnajay 🇧🇻 · @Ekinnajay
626 followers · 3365 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Dr Taylor is a long Covid specialist. In this series of tweets from the reader app, she summarizes the research on what is known so far about Covid. She says none of it is any new info.
Thread by @drclairetaylor on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Check out this thread at Thread Reader App. threadreaderapp.com/thread/160

#covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #WearYourDamnMask #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Ekinnajay 🇧🇻 · @Ekinnajay
627 followers · 3251 posts · Server zeroes.ca

A great thread from Dr Eric Feigl-Ding, in the reader app, with latest info regarding XBB1.5 that he calls "the Kraken". We are in for a rough few months.
Thread by @DrEricDing on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

#covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #WearYourDamnMask #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Ekinnajay 🇧🇻 · @Ekinnajay
625 followers · 2957 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Excellent review of indoor air quality, why it's important in helping with our current pandemic and other air pollutants, and what we can do a about it.

Thread by jeffgilchrist: The importance of indoor air quality This thread ... - PingThread

#covid #covid19 #masks #BringBackMasks #WearYourDamnMask

Last updated 2 years ago

Spencer W Hunter · @swhunter7
95 followers · 171 posts · Server mstdn.social

Ten COVID Facts Health Officials Dangerously Downplay

Andrew Nikiforuk writes about 10 facts that everyone should know about but may not because public health has not educated people well enough ( thetyee.ca/Analysis/2022/12/21 ). 🧵 1/5

Image of COVID virus floating around public space.

#WearYourDamnMask #MaskUp #COVID #CovidIsNotOver

Last updated 2 years ago

Spencer W Hunter · @swhunter7
95 followers · 170 posts · Server mstdn.social

@kellihazel my immune system us screwed up. And yet I’m sick with covid again. It’s just so frustrating I’m essentially in isolation and because one of my partners coworkers refused to mask and was coughing everywhere, I still end up sick. She gave us the flu in Nov over thanksgiving. My partner masks religiously but you can only do so much. Just upset and in pain that’s all. :(

#chronicpain #chronicillness #COVID19 #covid #WearYourDamnMask #WearAMask #mask #mecfs #pots #PASC

Last updated 2 years ago

@kellihazel I get it, I really do. I was more just venting because I spend majority of my time in isolation besides with my partner (when he’s not working) and now I have COVID for the SECOND time due to someone being selfish and not wearing their mask KNOWING THEY WERE SICK. The first time gifted me with multiple chronic illnesses and never really went away. Now I’m on day one again. 1/

#LongCovid #disabled #pots #mecfs #COVID19 #covid #WearYourDamnMask #gp #PASC #chronicillness

Last updated 2 years ago

so I’m 99% positive that we have COVID, the person who got my partner sick tested positive so… this is my second time due to someone being selfish and not wearing a mask. First time never really went away… gifted me with multiple chronic illnesses. Disabled me. Wonder what this time is going to be like. I feel like crud. Have a high enough fever that my entire body hurts. I’m coughing and have it in my chest. This sucks. I’m on day 1.

#covid #COVID19 #LongCovid #mecfs #mask #WearYourDamnMask

Last updated 2 years ago

@Hatcat my symptoms about two hours ago, I can feel it in my chest. I’m just so exhausted from trying to make people care about other people. It’s infuriating, exhausting, and sad. It’s like trying to argue with a brick wall. And as time goes on it continues to get worse as more people think it’s okay not to mask. I live in the hellscape that is Texas too. It’s so bad here.

#covid #COVID19 #disabled #LongCovid #mask #masking #WearYourDamnMask #texas #exhausted #PASC #why #justwhy

Last updated 2 years ago

the pandemic might chill out. But no, we’re going to force disabled people who are high risk to be stuck in their homes forever. It makes me so mad and sad seeing people not wearing their masks in public. It’s a huge sign that they don’t care about disabled and high risk people, or just people in general. And that’s sad. Makes my blood boil. 3

#angry #disabled #covid #disabledcovid #COVID19 #longhaulerscovid #PASC #LongCovid #LongHaulers #mask #masking #masks #wearyourmask #WearYourDamnMask

Last updated 2 years ago

recent studies have come out that up to 4 MILLION people are out of work and disabled by Long COVID JUST IN THE US. There’s absolutely nothing normal about life today, nor we will never go back to that, it’s physically impossible. Those people are just gone. So many people disabled. And maybe if people would stop trying to force that and accept that things are different, 2/

#LongCovid #covid #COVID19 #PASC #longhaulcovid #mask #masking #masks #WearYourDamnMask #wearyourmask

Last updated 2 years ago

the US said eh, we’re bored and just pretended COVID was over because they wanted it to be. That’s not how pandemics work. COVID cases are rising and our hospitals (especially children’s hospitals) are at their breaking points. All so people can act like things are back to what normal was prepandemic, like NEWSFLASH: 7 MILLION PEOPLE ARE DEAD. 1/

#covid #masks #mask #LongCovid #PASC #COVID19 #LongHaulers #longhauler #wearyourmask #WearYourDamnMask #sad

Last updated 2 years ago

Ekinnajay 🇧🇻 · @Ekinnajay
554 followers · 2190 posts · Server zeroes.ca

JFC 😳. The variant is BF. 7. "To put this into context, BF.7 is believed to have an R0, or basic reproduction number, of 10 to 18.6. This means an infected person will transmit the virus to an average of 10 to 18.6 other people. Research has shown omicron has an average R0 of 5.08"


A new omicron subvariant is spreading in China. Here's what we know so far. | Live Science

#covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #WearYourDamnMask #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Ekinnajay 🇧🇻 · @Ekinnajay
554 followers · 2187 posts · Server zeroes.ca

If you're in the US you can use this link to get 4 free tests for your household.



#covid #covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #WearYourDamnMask

Last updated 2 years ago

The US will send out free home tests once again, as soon as this Thursday, due to the govts fear that we are entering a new wave (duh 🙄). Glad they are doing at least that.



#covid #covid19 #COVIDisAirborne #BringBackMasks #WearYourDamnMask

Last updated 2 years ago

no more tools in Biden’s *post-pandemic* toolbox; so get to work on a BQ variant vax, @CDCgov, get to work on funding for effective ventilation in buildings, @POTUS, and , everyone else
RT @Alexander_Tin
The @US_FDA now says that @LillyPad's bebtelovimab now cannot be used anywhere in the U.S. because of BQ variant prevalence

This marks the end of the last available monoclonal antibody …

#WearYourDamnMask #SarsCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver

Last updated 2 years ago

what I’d give for confidence that the minions of @CDCDirector were actually working on the next booster for the newest variants
RT @micchiato
a reminder that the bivalent vax does not protect against

#omicron #bq11 #SarsCoV2 #WearYourDamnMask

Last updated 2 years ago