WhatsApp's new app for Wear OS smartwatches offers users a dynamic communication experience, underlining the expanding intersection of wearable tech and smartphones.
Read more: https://trendotech.com/2023/07/20/whatsapp-rolls-out-app-for-wear-os-smartwatches/
#whatsappforwearos #WearableTech #smartwatchmessaging
WhatsApp's new app for Wear OS smartwatches offers users a dynamic communication experience, underlining the expanding intersection of wearable tech and smartphones.
Read more: https://trendotech.com/2023/07/20/whatsapp-rolls-out-app-for-wear-os-smartwatches/
#whatsappforwearos #WearableTech #smartwatchmessaging
Il futuro degli assistenti personali potrebbe essere questo innovativo dispositivo indossabile creato da ex dipendenti Apple.
#ai #assistentevirtuale #WearableTech
This is a nice overview of the best consumer wearables that are available on the market today
RT @HFGEnthusiast@twitter.com
Best fitness trackers and health gadgets for 2020 #wearables #wearabletech https://gadgetsandwearables.com/2020/09/26/best-fitness-trackers-2020/
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