No photos today, but I've been working on fish ribs pattern in 4 pairs, and spinning khaitu. Feeling inspired :) #AndeanBackstrap #franquemontUniveristy #WeavingStudent
#AndeanBackstrap #franquemontUniveristy #WeavingStudent
Finished! This full band of tanka ch'oro with some color swapping. the white was a lot thinner and even stretchier or looser than the red which made things a real challenge, but was good experience in working with that kind of issue and motivation to make sure I don't create it for myself in my own warps. On to the next!
#AndeanBackstrap #andeanweaving #AbbysYarns #franquemontUniveristy #WeavingStudent
#AndeanBackstrap #andeanweaving #abbysyarns #franquemontUniveristy #WeavingStudent
Three things, one is a spinning project, I'm also getting back to tanka ch'oro! And I'll give a peek of a scarf I'm knitting a 2nd of. Thinking I'm giving up writing down the pattern though. #knitting #AndeanBackstrap #WeavingStudent #franquemontUniveristy
#WIPWednesday #knitting #AndeanBackstrap #WeavingStudent #franquemontUniveristy