@sophiegebeil @telemme #InspéAMU and @jcpeyssard #MMSH, co-organisers of #resaw2013 , introduce the conference and twelcome speakers and the public in #Marseille #WebArching
#inspeamu #mmsh #resaw2013 #marseille #WebArching
Opening of #RESAW2023 conference! Anne Faure and Charles Riondet welcome us for the @mucem. Maryline Crivello, Mission interdisciplinarité @univamu , Fabien Borget, chargé de mission Science ouverte @univamu and Xavier Daumalin @telemme open up this 2 days conference @resaw_eu #WebArching
Archiving Twitter During the Upheaval – Active History
Derek Cameron discusses the new urgency of our Twitter archiving project.
#histodons #WebArching #twitter
#histodons #WebArching #twitter
Who is working on #WebArching and #Twitter with Musk now hinting at bankruptcy. I’m working on a small project focused on COVID 19 in Saskatchewan and vaccine hesitancy over a longer period (the second part is led by Derek Cameron). I feel like those of us with API access should try and grab what we can. Does anyone know of a concerted effort led by the Internet Archives or others?