@raymondcamden I was reviewing your preso on #WebC in @eleventy for JamDev 2023 (fantastic job, btw!) and comparing to what's newer in WebC as of recent-ish.
I'm wondering if I could/should use WebC for 11ty layouts instead of Liquid, Nunjucks, etc... This resembles the AstroJS approach where the Layout is a component. Just not sure if this was part of the WebC vision. Thoughts?
cc: @zachleat
Finally having time to catch up on updates to an @eleventy site using #webc . Wondering if top-level layout templates can be WebC instead of Liquid or Nunjucks. If so, are there some good examples? If not, am I overlooking either a limitation or a reason not to.
Saw @zachleat 's video on converting the 11ty homepage to WebC. It's mentioned that the layout template isn't WebC (4:25) but I wasn't sure if that meant it couldn't or shouldn't. 🤔
cc: @raymondcamden
You wouldn't know it just by looking at it, but https://blakes.dev is now powered by #Eleventy 🎉
In practice, this means:
* I can more easily make new pages
* Parts of the site can be used without JavaScript
* In the future I can add microformats profile data to the homepage (soon)
* I don't have to have a special hidden link for a Mastodon Green Checkmarked Link; I can just have the one in the menu bar with rel=me
I built a local demo site with the #11ty static-site generator (#SSG). I was particularly interested in the #WebC template for vanilla #WebComponents. It was a cinch to write web components that are integrated into another template language like Nunjucks. Win!
The documentation is poor. I needed an overview of the build steps and configuration options, but that’s not forthcoming. However, I have enough experience with the tools to get stuff working, along with example sites on GitHub.
#webcomponents #WebC #ssg #11ty
@khalidabuhakmeh Preact, React, or something else? Been exploring those avenues w/ #webc and <is-land>. Please post a repo address if you have one. Thanks!
Just saw the Eleventy announcement and looked up WebC and found a different WebC which is actually C embedded in HTML – basically, think PHP but with C instead — and all I can think is… why? *shudder*
(I wrote my very first web app – for checking out books from my university’s library, which they didn’t understand or use – circa 1993 in C only because I had to. There was nothing else to use.)
#c #web #theotherwebc #notthatwebc #WebC
Pro: #Storybook renders #LitElement
Con: I can't copy the file as-is to #Eleventy and have it execute (I believe a compilation step is needed.
Time to look into #WebC and #WebComponents then, I guess.
#webcomponents #WebC #eleventy #litelement #storybook
https://github.com/11ty/webc 👀
Discovered via https://bradfrost.com/blog/post/lets-talk-about-web-components/
#eleventy #WebC #webcomponents #webdevelopment