Hi š
I'm a #UX/ #ServiceDesign person and a certified Psychologist = #UXPsychologist. My path started already last century š¦ as self-thaught #WebDesigner. In 2009, I started as #UXDesigner. Since 2014, I work on the strategic side of UX and since 2018, I also conduct the initial #research needed for strategic alignment & ideation, as #freelance #consultant
I also speak at a few events and love #mentoring/ #teaching , as sharing is caring š«¶
#Bulgarian , based in #Berlin #Germany
#ux #servicedesign #UXPsychologist #WebDesigner #uxdesigner #research #freelance #consultant #mentoring #teaching #Bulgarian #berlin #germany #Introduction
RT @Qfact_GmbH@twitter.com
Bist du Webdesigner oder Webdesignerin und bist auf der Suche nach einem galaktischen Job?
Dann warte nicht und bewirb dich noch vor Weihnachten bei uns.
Vielleicht startest du direkt an Bord von Qfact ins neue Jahr! š
š¦š: https://twitter.com/Qfact_GmbH/status/1600085261911699458
I would like to have someone to guide me on this way of the #frontend
#frontend #website #WebDesigner #webdesign
Redoing my #Introduction because apparently it is best to capitalize the words in your hash marks for accessibility reasons. I am a 46 (in a couple weeks) year old Senior #WebDesigner. So that means i am interested in #Design, #UX, #a11y, and #DesignLeadership.
I also enjoy #Fiction #Writing and #Reading. I enjoy #Gaming on PC or #PS5 but usually stick to single player games. Iām on my third restart of #EldenRing.
I also have over 600 digital #Movies in my collection.
#Introduction #WebDesigner #design #ux #a11y #designleadership #fiction #Writing #reading #gaming #ps5 #eldenring #Movies