@menelion *nodds in agreement*
Instead I think it's important to recommend services that are #accessible.
Like the http://68k.news and http://frogfind.com - both courtesy of @ActionRetro ...
#68kNews is a News Aggregator that pulls Google News, and #FrogFind is a #WebProxy that makes sites accessible by basically stripping everything but text and links from it.
#WebProxy #frogfind #68knews #accessible
@smallsco @colin_mcmillen Q: Anyone tried #Mastodon via @ActionRetro's #FrogFind and associated #WebProxy?
Ideally I'd love to see a #SelfHosting-capable version of that for deployment in a #LAN so one would not have to worry about the #SSL-stripping and stuff...
#ssl #lan #SelfHosting #WebProxy #frogfind #Mastodon