Finished! “UNSEEN PILLARS”, 8x8”, pearlescent watercolor on cradled art board, finished September 5, 2023. The Eagle Nebula (M16 star-forming region) as seen by #JWST. This piece will be available for purchase online as part of Central Art Gallery's Equal Sides show on September 15!
#JWSTArt #webb #SpaceArt #SpaceArtist #AstroArt #SciArt #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorart #EagleNebula #M16 #MastoArt #MastoArtists #FediArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #ArtistsOfMastodon
#artistsofmastodon #artmatters #ayearforart #buyintoart #fediart #mastoartists #MastoArt #m16 #eaglenebula #watercolorart #watercolour #WaterColor #sciart #AstroArt #spaceartist #spaceart #Webb #JWSTArt #JWST
Almost finished with my #wip M16 “Pillars of Creation” as seen in infrared by JWST. Need to do final outlines in silver, put in the main stars and rays.
#inprogress #inprogressart #JWSTArt #UnfoldtheUniverse #webb #SpaceArt #SpaceArtist #AstroArt #SciArt #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorart #EagleNebula #PillarsOfCreation #M16 #MastoArt #MastoArtists #FediArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #ArtistsOfMastodon
#artistsofmastodon #artmatters #ayearforart #buyintoart #fediart #mastoartists #MastoArt #m16 #PillarsOfCreation #eaglenebula #watercolorart #watercolour #WaterColor #sciart #AstroArt #spaceartist #spaceart #Webb #UnfoldTheUniverse #JWSTArt #inprogressart #inprogress #WIP
Webb richt zijn blik op de restant van supernova 1987A
Astronomen die de James Webb Space Telescope gebruiken, zijn begonnen met het bestuderen van SNR 1987A, een van de beroemdste supernovarestanten.
#1987A #GroteMagelhaanseWolk #NIRCam #SNR1987A #supernova #webb
#Webb #supernova #snr1987a #NIRCam #grotemagelhaansewolk #1987a
Webb bestudeerde het sterrenstelsel Messier 51
Dit portret van het interactieve “grand design” spiraalstelsel Messier 51 is een samengesteld beeld waarin gegevens van de Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam) en het Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) van de James Webb-ruimtetelescoop van NASA/ESA/CSA zijn geïntegreerd.
#Webb #ngc5195 #ngc5194 #messier51
The Clear Skies Observing Guides for the Webb Deep-Sky Society's Objects of the Month for September 2023:
- Galaxy pair NGC7603 & NGC7603B (Arp 92) in Pisces - Emission nebula NGC7538 - the "Northern Lagoon" in Cepheus - Double star Herschel New 11 (STF2978 - WDS23075+3250) in Pegasus - Double star Delta Piscis Austrini (Howe 91 - WDS22559-3232) in Piscis Austrinus
Available for download on the Clear Skies website -
#csog #Webb #ootm #stargazing #astronomy #ClearSkies
Les prochaines observations des éruptions volcaniques de la lune Io par les satellites Juno, Hubble et Webb
#astrophysique #science #Io #Jupiter #Juno #Hubble #Webb #satellite #NASA
#astrophysique #science #io #jupiter #juno #hubble #Webb #satellite #nasa
SwRI Will Lead Hubble, JWST Observations of Io, Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon
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#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #JWST #Webb #Jupiter #Io #NASA #ESA
#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #jwst #Webb #jupiter #io #nasa #esa
Milky Way Central Molecular Zone
Target Name: BRICK-IKP2016-G0.253+0.015
Title: Star Formation along the Galactic Dust Ridge: The Brick and Cloud
Proposal ID: 2221
A quick process to see what was within the data. A better process will come over the next few days.
#Webb #jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
Good morning Masto. I haven’t been very social (media) this week, sorry. Here’s a new painting I started! (I think my numbering system is shot at this point, is this #wip 3C? Sure why not.)
#inprogress #inprogressart #JWSTArt #UnfoldtheUniverse #webb #SpaceArt #SpaceArtist #AstroArt #SciArt #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorart #EagleNebula #PillarsOfCreation #M16 #MastoArt #MastoArtists #FediArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #ArtistsOfMastodon
#artistsofmastodon #artmatters #ayearforart #buyintoart #fediart #mastoartists #MastoArt #m16 #PillarsOfCreation #eaglenebula #watercolorart #watercolour #WaterColor #sciart #AstroArt #spaceartist #spaceart #Webb #UnfoldTheUniverse #JWSTArt #inprogressart #inprogress #WIP
JWST Survey Reveals Fewer Supermassive Black Holes Than Presumed
Search over 2,000 astronomy and space news releases at
#astronomy #space #science #news #AmateurAstronomy #stargazing #JWST #Webb #blackholes
Image: Own, via @NightcafeStudio
#astronomy #space #science #news #amateurastronomy #stargazing #jwst #Webb #blackholes
@andreabettini riusciamo a vedere galassie lontane "milioni di anni luce" ma non riusciamo a fare una foto nitida e chiara di oggetti sulla Luna. #Hubble, #Webb
Embedded Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies: The Advent of Parsec Scale Studies beyond the Magellanic Clouds.
Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE
Proposal ID: 2130
#Webb #jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
Embedded Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies: The Advent of Parsec Scale Studies beyond the Magellanic Clouds.
Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE
Proposal ID: 2130
#Webb #jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
Webb kiekt de Ringnevel in de Lier
Het nieuwe beeld van de beroemde Ringnevel van Webb's Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam) toont de ingewikkelde details van de filamentstructuur van de binnenste ring van de nevel, terwijl het nieuwe beeld van Webb's Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) bijzondere details onthult in de concentrische kenmerken in de buitenste regionen van de ring van de nevel.
#Webb #ringnevel #Messier57 #m57 #lyra #Lier
New post at ANALOG ANSIBLE: Making Space and art squared
#JWSTArt #webb #SpaceArt #SpaceArtist #AstroArt #SciArt #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorart #geology #planetaryscience #faults #Mars #galleryshows #MastoArt #MastoArtists #FediArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #ArtistsOfMastodon
#artistsofmastodon #artmatters #ayearforart #buyintoart #fediart #mastoartists #MastoArt #galleryshows #Mars #faults #planetaryscience #geology #watercolorart #watercolour #WaterColor #sciart #AstroArt #spaceartist #spaceart #Webb #JWSTArt
#EAS for Duval, #TX; #La Salle, #TX; #McMullen, #TX; #Webb, #TX: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 12:30 PM CDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Corpus Christi TX** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#la #mcmullen #Webb #tornado #EAS #tx
#EAS for Duval, ###TX; ###La Salle, ###TX; ###McMullen, ###TX; ###Webb, ###TX: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 12:30 PM CDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Corpus Christi TX** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES *
#EAS #tx #la #mcmullen #Webb #tornado
#EAS for Duval, ##TX; ##La Salle, ##TX; ##McMullen, ##TX; ##Webb, ##TX: #Tornado Warning issued August 22 at 11:47AM CDT until August 22 at 12:30PM CDT by NWS Corpus Christi TX Source: NWS Corpus Christi TX** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #tx #la #mcmullen #Webb #tornado
#EAS for Duval, #TX; #La Salle, #TX; #McMullen, #TX; #Webb, #TX: #Tornado Warning issued August 22 at 11:47AM CDT until August 22 at 12:30PM CDT by NWS Corpus Christi TX Source: NWS Corpus Christi TX** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #tx #la #mcmullen #Webb #tornado
JWST Reveals Intricate Details in the Remains of a Dying Star
Search over 2,000 astronomy and space news releases at
#astronomy #space #science #news #JWST #Webb #M57 #RingNebula #NASA #ESA #stargazing
Image: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, M. Barlow, N. Cox, R. Wesson
#astronomy #space #science #news #jwst #Webb #m57 #ringnebula #nasa #esa #stargazing