Going live now with my #WeekendFurryRetreat panel and Q&A! Learn tips for pandemic-safe fursuiting without going to cons and events → http://youtube.com/shetani/live
No clue what to do for #FursuitFriday without furmeets or physical conventions? 😿
Come on by my #WeekendFurryRetreat panel on Youtube, 8/13 at 4 PM Eastern, where you can ask questions in a live Q&A and learn fun and creative things to do in your #fursuit from the comfort of home!
#fursuit #WeekendFurryRetreat #fursuitfriday
I'm all set up in the Craft Lodge (Dealer's Den) at Weekend Furry Retreat! Come check out what I and the other vendors have to offer. I'm so excited for the con to start on Friday!
#furry #onlineConvention #WeekendFurryRetreat