Will be posting some #SolidarityFunds for #forestdefenders. #atlanta #Weelaunee
Will post in the down belows
#solidarityfunds #forestdefenders #atlanta #Weelaunee
Laut Climate Justice Alliance sind folgende Personen im Zusammenhang mit der sozialen Bewegung "Stop Cop City" immer noch in Haft:
Emily Murphy im Atlanta City Detention Center. Luce Harper und Victor Puertas im Dekalb County Jail.
#stopcopcity #defendwelauneeforest #defendatlforest #weelaunee
#StopCopCity #defendwelauneeforest #defendatlforest #Weelaunee
Bulldozer in Weelaunee Destroyed during WOA
#Weelaunee #DirectAction
Via @scenes
They have started clear cutting #Weelaunee #forest and the #police have grown increasingly aggressive to #Atlanta residents in the area. We need all the help we can get now to #stopcopcity. Call the Atlanta representatives or hell, come to Atlanta yourself and join in on the #protests.
Office numbers of Governor Brian #Kemp and Mayor #Dickens to Stop #CopCity
Kemp: +1-404-656-1776
Dickens: (404) 330-6054
#Weelaunee #forest #police #atlanta #StopCopCity #protests #kemp #Dickens #CopCity
an action for the #Weelaunee forest:
"GI Partners Building Redecorated in San Francisco"
Posted on March 26, 2023 at https://scenes.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/26/gi-partners-building-redecorated-in-san-francisco/
"Last Sunday someone redecorated the facade of the GI Partners building (4 Embarcadero Ctr) in San Francisco using a fire extinguisher filled with green paint. Fuck with the forest and the forest will fuck with you."
"What’s indisputable is that police repression has extended into all corners of this movement, amounting to a profoundly undemocratic exertion of state power. From the outset, the voices of the people have been marginalized and subsumed under deference to Atlanta’s police state.
As in the days of brutal repression of the civil rights movement, so too are the levers of state power aligned against the Stop Cop City movement. But there are also reasons for hope. Despite the best efforts of Atlanta authorities to contain the movement, to smear those standing in solidarity as outside agitators, this movement is both intersectional and multilocational.
Beyond the week of action, the battle to stop Cop City continues, in forms ranging from sabotage to legal battles over environmental permitting minutiae. Only time will tell how this movement resolves — whether it succumbs to police repression or whether Cop City will indeed never be built. But it’s been a hell of a fight so far, with the full force of state power brought against the protesters that dare to defy it."
#StopCopCity #Tortuguita #JusticeforTort #Atlanta #AtlantaForest #DefendtheAtlantaForest #Weelaunee #WeelauneeForest #BlackLivesMatter
#StopCopCity #tortuguita #justicefortort #atlanta #AtlantaForest #DefendtheAtlantaForest #Weelaunee #WeelauneeForest #blacklivesmatter
After checking the news from Georgia Public Broadcasting and reading a copy of an executive order closing (sections of) so-called Intrenchment Creek Park from the Dekalb County CEO that was posted on Friday I made a startling observation:
Weelaunee People’s Park parking lot, where police and contractors have destroyed memorials for Tortugita and posted “no trespassing” signs today (Monday March 27th), is not within any of the closed properties listed in Dekalb County Executive Order 2023-001, the order that is being used to justify today’s horrific actions. Policing and clear-cutting forests pose threats to all life in the Weelaunee forest and beyond.
The executive order can be found on Georgia Public Broadcasting’s website: https://www.gpb.org/sites/default/files/2023-03/dekalb_county_executive_order_03-24-23.pdf
#NoCopCity #StopCopCity #DefendTheAtlantaForest #DefendTheForest #DefendTheForestATL #Weelaunee #WeelauneeForest #Atlanta
#NoCopCity #StopCopCity #DefendtheAtlantaForest #DefendTheForest #defendtheforestatl #Weelaunee #WeelauneeForest #atlanta
slaver colonizers in georgia are on the offensive today. There's a raid of the #Weelaunee forest happening right now, & one of the millionaires in the #georgia state legislature just introduced a cop lives matter bill directly reacting to #StopCopCity this morning. It was a raid like this where the police killed tortuguita ICYMI
There's a few twitter accounts that are monitoring the situation right now but if you wanna help the most useful thing to do would probably be starting or supporting solidarity work in your area, whether that means online or offline
#Weelaunee #georgia #StopCopCity
The CEO of DeKalb county, Georgia, had a press conference today where he announced that the #Weelaunee forest is closed to the public because the land may contain "possible life-threatening" traps. This is in regards to a board with nails in it, but when the police tried to enter the park to see if there were any more traps, protesters repelled them with rocks.
#StopCopCity #Defend-theAtlantaForest
#Weelaunee #StopCopCity #defend
3 attacks for #Weelaunee last week:
1. Bank Of America ATM sabotaged https://scenes.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/14/bank-of-america-atm-sabotaged/ (Eastern MA)
2. ATM’s sabotaged in Berkley https://scenes.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/17/atms-sabotaged-in-berkley/
3. ATLAS Subsidiary (CEL) Attacked in Northern California in Solidarity with Weelaunee Forest Defenders https://scenes.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/17/atlas-subsidiary-cel-attacked-in-northern-california-in-solidarity-with-weelaunee-forest-defenders/
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1636158704507658240#m
#Anonymous stands with #StopCopCity
- Free every forest defender
- Drop every charge
- Cancel the #CopCity project
- Reverse the land swap
- Protect & restore the #Weelaunee Forest
#Anonymous #StopCopCity #CopCity #Weelaunee
There are easy answers to the Constitutional crisis facing Atlanta-area government:
- Free every forest defender
- Drop every charge
- Cancel the #CopCity project
- Reverse the land swap
- Protect & restore the #Weelaunee Forest
#CopCity #Weelaunee #StopCopCity
"Les actions se multiplient contre le projet de construction du plus grand centre d’entraînement privé de la #police américaine à #Atlanta, dans l’État de la #Géorgie. Que ce soit des rassemblements, des manifestations ou encore l’occupation de la forêt de #Weelaunee pour éviter sa destruction lors de la mise en chantier, les moyens de résistance sont multiples. Toutefois, plus la résistance est féroce et plus la répression augmente jusqu’à culminer avec l’assassinat par la police de Manuel « Tortuguita » Teran en janvier dernier alors qu’il participait à l’occupation."
#StopCopCity #JusticeForTortuguita
#police #atlanta #georgie #Weelaunee #StopCopCity #justicefortortuguita #DefendTheForest #acab
#stopcopcity #Atlanta #Weelaunee Forest #defendatlforest
Heute Morgen fand in Atlanta eine Gedenfeier für Tort statt, an der sich die Eltern, Freund*innen und Aktivist*innen beteiligten. Tort's Asche wurde an verschiedenen Stellen im Weelaunee Forest und im Weeklaunee's People Park verstreut.
#StopCopCity #atlanta #Weelaunee #defendatlforest
Happening now: ~250 children, parents, and friends marching through East Atlanta
#StopCopCity #CopCity
Huge support from passing cars, people coming out from businesses and houses, some with kids, to cheer and wave, some joining the march.
"Save #Weelaunee for us little ones"
#StopCopCity #CopCity #Weelaunee
We call on all people of good conscience to stand in solidarity with the movement to stop #CopCity and defend the #Weelaunee Forest in #Atlanta. #StopCopCity stop police from becoming a military dictatorship and killing the forests.
#CopCity #Weelaunee #atlanta #StopCopCity
#stopcopcity #defendatlforest #atlanta #weelaunee forest
Bericht des"Local support committee for the fight to defend the Atlanta forest and stop cop city"
Um es klarzustellen: Während der Aktion, bei der die Infrastruktur von Cop City zerstört und ein Überwachungsposten der Polizei angegriffen wurde, gab es keine Verhaftungen. Die derzeit von vielen Massenmedien verbreitete Darstellung der Polizei, die Verteidiger*innen des Waldes seien während ihrer Aktion verhaftet worden, ist eine Lüge. Die Festnahmen erfolgten erst am späten Abend, als Einsatzkommandos der Polizei das South River Music Festival stürmten und wahllos auf alle Menschen losgingen, die sich zufällig in der Nähe aufhielten.
Sie handelten rücksichtslos und ohne Beweise und griffen diejenigen an, die am leichtesten zu fassen waren. Dazu gehörten auch eindeutig identifizierbare legale Beobachter*innen. Medienvertreter*innen wurden mit Schusswaffen bedroht, während Eltern mit ihren Kindern nicht in Sicherheit gebracht wurden.
Am Ende der chaotischen Aktion nahm die Polizei 35 Personen fest. Von den Festgenommenen wurden 12 wieder freigelassen, 23 werden derzeit wegen „Inlandsterrorismus“ angeklagt.
(Ergänzung von Defend the Atlanta Forest: Nachdem die Polizei 44 Festivalbesucher*innen eingekesselt hatte, trennten sie die Einheimischen von den Auswärtigen. Die Einheimischen wurden im Gresham Park freigelassen, die Auswärtigen wegen Terrorismus angeklagt.)
Ein gepanzertes Einsatzfahrzeug der Polizei „Bearcat“ blieb mitsamt seiner Ausrüstung in der Nähe des Festivals im Schlamm stecken und musste abgeschleppt werden, bevor es eingesetzt werden konnte. Sie werden es nicht öffentlich sagen, weil es ihnen peinlich ist. Glaubt nicht der Polizei und den Medien. Ihre Geschichte ist ein verzweifelter Versuch, das Gesicht zu wahren, ein immer deutlich werdender Versuch, sich mächtiger erscheinen zu lassen.
#StopCopCity #defendatlforest #atlanta #Weelaunee
RT @AutonomousATL
Police are raiding the #Weelaunee Music Festival, arresting people who came in protest of #CopCity and the corrupt land swap to Ryan Milsap that would take away the public park. They are reportedly chasing down festivalgoers with zipties, attempting to make mass arrests.
Large demonstration has kicked off in #Atlanta to defend the #Weelaunee forest. After a rally featuring clergy, local organizers, Indigenous leaders, and various organizations, large #StopCopCity contingent is now marching through the forest.
Follow the live-stream via @UnicornRiot here: https://www.twitch.tv/unicorn_riot
#atlanta #Weelaunee #StopCopCity
Cities across the US held actions in solidarity with #Tortuguita and the movement to #StopCopCity - from letter-writing nights, banner drops and benefit shows, mass marches, and rallies against corporate firms contracted to destroy the #Weelaunee forest. Check out our roundup here!
#tortuguita #StopCopCity #Weelaunee