Good timezone fediverse,
Today's song is Grapes of Wrath by Weezer.
Weezer is a US 4-man band that's been around since the early nineties, though for a short stint around year 2000 they went as Goat Punishment.
This song is from their 14th album called OK Human released in 2021 which features a 38-person strong orchestra which lends it a rather different sound than their other albums.
#music #us #Weezer #AltRock #PopRock #OrchstraPop #SongOfTheDay
#music #us #Weezer #altrock #poprock #orchstrapop #songoftheday
🛌 (me trying to sleep)
💠(completely pointless & arbitrary midnight thought) anyone else likes #Grandaddy better than #Weezer for no reason? (or for some reason, whatevs)
A post elsewhere got me thinking about #generations and music. What music defines each generation. I think older Boomers are the #RollingStones and younger Boomers are the #Eagles. Gen-X (my generation) is absolutely captured by the #Replacements. Who speaks for Millenials? #Weezer? And Gen Y who speaks for you?
#Weezer #replacements #eagles #rollingstones #generations
This was a fun listen. Rock icon Rivers Cuomo goes deep on coding talk with Python computer language creator and programming icon, Guido Van Rossum #Weezer #python
#TearsForFears #Chapterhouse #Hatchie #WolfAlice #JaccoGardner #Levitation #ScarletChives #SmithWesterns #TheHouseOfLove #HouseOfLove #BradfordCox #DIIV #Vetiver #MWard #Seasurfer #SnailsHouse #Soundgarden #Blueboy #Jonti #PalaceWinter #CrashTestDummies #JimiHendrix #TheRollingStones #RollingStones #JapaneseBreakfast #KishiBashi #Halcyonaire #TheSugarcubes #SimonAndGarfunkel #Weezer #Shack #Tripwires #ArcadeFire #JamesBrown #JonathanWilson #LittleDragon #Maheekats
#tearsforfears #chapterhouse #hatchie #WolfAlice #jaccogardner #levitation #scarletchives #smithwesterns #thehouseoflove #HouseOfLove #bradfordcox #diiv #vetiver #mward #seasurfer #snailshouse #soundgarden #blueboy #jonti #palacewinter #crashtestdummies #JimiHendrix #therollingstones #rollingstones #japanesebreakfast #kishibashi #halcyonaire #thesugarcubes #SimonAndGarfunkel #Weezer #shack #tripwires #arcadefire #jamesbrown #jonathanwilson #littledragon #maheekats
Time for a list of some of the bands I like!
If that floats your boat I also do a music blog, of sorts...
#aliceinchains #swervedriver #bobmould #livingcolour #everythingeverything #CatherineWheel #pixies #TiredLion #soundgarden #live #Mastodon #AyronJones #megadeth #BenFoldsFive #PearlJam #RollinsBand #Reef #snowpatrol #DinosaurPileUp #ride #nirvana #jerrycantrell #faithnomore #BlindMelon #sugar #foofighters #qotsa #linkinpark #Weezer #silverchair
#RiversDemoFlood 675: These Things That You Do
From the Red-Raditude-Hurley Years
Rivers' vow to stop writing personal songs only lasted a few years. By the time Make Believe rolled around, his songs were autobiographical again. And unlike other #Weezer albums, where the approach changed with each, that didn't change with Red. The songs under consideration for Weezer's sixth album were also personal and deeply honest...
#RiversDemoFlood 674: Bless the Whole Wide World 10
For some reason, when Rivers played BTWWW for the rest of #Weezer, the band didn't like it. That's puzzling, because it's a good song. And it has a message.
I can see if the song came out in 2001 it might have ruffled some feathers. But even then, at that time, maybe this song has the kind of message we all needed to hear...
#music #musica #musik #musique
#Weezer - #BuddyHolly (Official Music Video)
REMASTERED IN HD!Weezer "Buddy Holly" official music video from the album 'Weezer'. Discover the story behind the Blue Album:
#Music #musica #musik #musique #Weezer #BuddyHolly
#music #musica #musik #musique
#Weezer - #PorkAndBeans (Closed Captioned)
REMASTERED IN HD!What’s your favorite Weezer video? Vote here: to more from Weezer: https://...
#Music #musica #musik #musique #Weezer #porkandbeans
El debut discográfico de #Weezer, conocido como blue álbum y publicado el 10 de mayo de 1994, se logró colar en el mainstream mientras el grunge daba sus últimos coletazos (Cobain habÃa muerto un mes atrás) y el brit pop daba los primeros pasos para dominar la escena hasta el final de la década. En esencia, se trata de un disco de pegadizo power pop genialmente conducido por la producción de Ric Ocasek (The Cars)
En el año 1994, el grupo #Weezer crearÃa una pegadiza canción con su nombre a modo de homenaje. La misma, relata la historia de un chico que intenta defender a una amiga de la que está enamorado. La disfrutaremos en la deliciosa versión que hicieron para los AOL Sessions