Enjoying #Unstable quite a lot. Seem to have watched most of it today.
Appreciated hearing 'weird' used (and received) as a compliment on a major Netflix show, too.
Today is International Children's Book Day, World Autism Acceptance Day, and the birthday of my current Special Interest protagonist, Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875).
#InternationalChildrensBookDay #IBBY #WorldAutismAcceptanceDay #AutismAcceptanceDay #WAAD #HansChristianAndersen #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticPride #WeirdPride #SpecialInterest #SpecialInterests #Authors #ScandinavianAuthors #DanishAuthors #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #RSD
#internationalchildrensbookday #IBBY #worldautismacceptanceday #autismacceptanceday #waad #hanschristianandersen #autistic #actuallyautistic #AutisticPride #WeirdPride #SpecialInterest #specialinterests #authors #scandinavianauthors #danishauthors #rejectionsensitivedysphoria #rsd
Happy #WeirdPrideDay, everyone!
As long as people don't accept weirdness - their own and other people's - folk who have no choice but to be the way they are will be rejected, punished and discriminated against.
On Weird Pride Day, stand up and say you're weird and you're proud!
Meanwhile, spare a thought for those who aren't yet able celebrate their oddness safely - where social or psychological barriers mean that they feel they have to hide important parts of who they are.
#WeirdPride Day is for them too - for a world where one day, they won't have to.
Yes! That's exactly why I bought it. If it said "I'm not weird, I'm just autistic" like most stuff like this does, I wouldn't have been into it at all. But change the position of just one word, and I'm basking in the glory of being *both*. π
@autisticompulsive @actuallyautistic nice! I like that it says 'I'm not just weird, I'm autistic' rather than trying to deny that the wearer is weird...
#weirdPride #autisticPride
I made a version of the #WeirdPride flag using the sneaky W at the top.
I think I like it.
Only 22 days until #WeirdPrideDay 2023!
We're running #WeirdPride Lightning Talks together with ARGH. At least one other online event is happening on the day, too - as well as the standing invitation for everyone to share their weirdness publicly!
@henry79 thank you! Yeah, the inclusive perspective on weirdness is really important.
There's no accepting the weirdness of autistic people, on the basis that we get special permission to be weird! That's not really acceptance, and so many of us don't know we're autistic anyway...
Which my mum didn't at the time she first started talking about #WeirdPride, as far as I know!
I wrote about her here, originally for her funeral:
I infer that John's 'I CAN ALSO BE WEIRD' is a response to this video of @hankgreen being excellently weird.
By some weird coincidence, the video that was top of my #YouTube feed when I went to find all those was John Green of the #vlogbrothers, with 'I CAN ALSO BE WEIRD'.
It's true! He can! So can you! Maybe you should be!
#YouTube #vlogbrothers #WeirdPride
Here's a video of me talking about my experiences growing up weird - autistic, bisexual, gender nonconforming, nerdy and all the rest.
Text is linked from the video caption.
Starting to think seriously about this year's #WeirdPrideDay, which is now less than two months away (on the 4th of March).
I'm going to try and pull together some resources for schools to use.
One thing that could be useful on that front would be a list of #kidLit (and other things aimed at children) with clear #WeirdPride themes.
There are a lot of them out there, I know! But I'm not someone who keeps super up to date with such things.
Would you be able to recommend anything with central themes around accepting and celebrating difference?
#weirdprideday #KidLit #WeirdPride
As of tomorrow it's just three months until the third #WeirdPrideDay! Must be nearly time to start making plans.
@stimpunks put together an entry on weirdness and #WeirdPride:
@bronwynclee hey, welcome! I've been thinking about trauma a lot lately. There's a new site about autism and trauma that you might appreciate: https://www.barrierstoeducation.co.uk/autism-and-trauma
Here's to #WeirdPride! It's nice to meet fellow weirdos who get that.
@Finch for my part, I can never fully trust anyone "normal". Highly suspicious thing to aspire to, I've always thought.
@plaksey hi! It's nice to understand why you're weird, isn't it?