Sam Butler · @sambutlerUS
257 followers · 256 posts · Server

Today is Cadence Bank's deadline to decide whether to issue a $20 million loan for the construction of Cop City. Can you call Cadence at 662-680-2008, and demand them to REJECT THE LOAN?

Cadence Bank has previously financed Cop City, but rumor has it they are unsure if the project is still viable. They know when Cop City is stopped, the Atlanta Police Foundation will likely go bankrupt and default on all their loans. It's time to go all out to demand Cadence Bank deny the loan, which has simply become too risky.

Can you make a call to Cadence Bank and tell them to deny their risky $20 million loan for Cop City? It takes 1 minute: 662-680-2008

More details in the flyer below, from Honor The Earth. Call 662-680-2008, and boost this post to your networks so we can get more calls in today!

@AtlSolFund @defendATLforest @UnicornRiot

#StopCopCity #DefendAtlantaForest #solidarity #Organizing #activism #antifascist #decolonize #Abolition #support #help #campaign #atlanta #atl #CopCity #Welaunee

Last updated 1 year ago


Graffiti in Solidarity with Welaunee Forest Defenders from the Meadows of Lenapehoking (South Philly) for the Week of Action

#philadelphia #Welaunee

Last updated 2 years ago

Abolition Media · @amwenglish
4106 followers · 829 posts · Server

#Welaunee #philadelphia

Last updated 2 years ago