Saw a cute little birdy last night after dinner, singing away above the entrance to a nearby shop.
Seems to really be a "Welcome Swallow" this time, and not one of the chaffinches I'd always confuse them with.
#birds #nzbirds #WelcomeSwallow
Saw a cute little birdy last night after dinner, singing away above the entrance to a nearby shop.
Seems to really be a "Welcome Swallow" this time, and not one of the chaffinches I'd always mistake them for.
I was finally able to take a (somewhat fuzzy) photo of our Warou (Welcome Swallow) chicks. The nest has been constructed in our new barn and we knew there were four eggs. They've grown quickly!
#Warou #WelcomeSwallow #NativeBirdsNZ #SouthHeadNZ #TeKorowaiOTeTonga #CleverNests
#Warou #WelcomeSwallow #nativebirdsnz #southheadnz #tekorowaiotetonga #clevernests
And yet more birds.
#AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird #kingparrot #PaleHeadedRosella #WelcomeSwallow