Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
177 followers · 702 posts · Server

And here is my grid for April in its full 4x4 glory.

We’re continuing to enjoy and, whilst most of the others are regulars, this month we pulled in some old favourites that hadn’t been played for a while:

we’re too good at this coop game now and it’s got a bit boring
kind of overstays its welcome
we are still terrible at this coop though, which is more enjoyable.

#bgstats #WelcomeToTheMoon #thanosrising #ghostel #forbiddenisland

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
175 followers · 692 posts · Server

Adventures 3&4 of our campaign last night. Not going to spoil anything but the changes to the rules that one of them gave us, which actually made it easier, managed to totally confuse me. It all worked out ok in the end though.

And, since my brain was definitely running at half speed, we plumped for over Cartographers for a change but I decided to make a map anyway!

#WelcomeToTheMoon #patchworkdoodle #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
171 followers · 658 posts · Server

We got to the eighth, and last, adventure of last night. One of those where it’s easier to play than to understand the instructions! Once we worked out that, with two players, we just had to swap sheets after each turn and our initials would work perfectly well as “insignia” it all made a lot more sense.

Now we’re going to start over again and use the campaign mode this time. It’s nice that there is still a lot of value in the box!

#WelcomeToTheMoon #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
165 followers · 647 posts · Server

Yesterday’s included two attempts at adventure 7, which felt simpler than previous ones but my opponent system errored out leaving us with very low scores in both games - we thought we’d do better second time but although the game went on longer the scores were much the same.

It was nice to get two ties though! At we both filled our zoos up on the same action. And at we tied too - though both pretty awful “room for improvement” scores.

#boardgames #WelcomeToTheMoon #NewYorkZoo #Clever4Ever

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
161 followers · 641 posts · Server

It’s @BGStatsApp day! 32 plays of 20 games is more than I expected. March is usually a good month but this year it didn’t seem like we got through as many games at as we usually do, but most of them were pretty good.

I’m continuing enjoying playing through and is a new fave.

And at the other end I need to remember that I rarely enjoy the likes of and - bluffing is not my thing!

#airecon #WelcomeToTheMoon #everdell #secrets #cockroachpoker #boardgames #bgstats

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
160 followers · 633 posts · Server

Tuesday night included
- in which we reached Adventure 6: The one where the humans make the moon inhabitable with numerous virus outbreaks. This was a definite step up in length and complexity from the previous episodes.
- and where it was nice to play with my friends scoring cards from the Heroes box for a change from the base set
- also forget to photograph but my friend enjoyed it as I hoped she would!

#boardgames #WelcomeToTheMoon #Cartographers #everdell

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
158 followers · 628 posts · Server

I realised I’d only beaten the AI on the first adventure of so, since all my real life board game opponents were incapacitated last night, I tried again against Alexei on adventures 2 & 3. Both successes! Hurray!🏆 There are six more difficult levels of AI after this to go against though! 😳

#WelcomeToTheMoon #boardgames #soloboardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
155 followers · 606 posts · Server

Tuesday night included
- our first duet play of - the map board is a nice addition that adds a bit more strategy and the cards are more wordy & generous than the base game
- two plays of - one of which I did great on and the other terribly
- and our first proper non-demo play of which is, like Wingspan, a nice calm nature game where you get distracted reading about the animals - not a complaint.

#boardgames #wingspanasia #WelcomeToTheMoon #inthefootstepsofdarwin

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
151 followers · 594 posts · Server

Adventure 4 of saw us mining for rubies and pearls. I didn’t have time to play this solo before board game night but it was easy enough to pick up which is good. My friend continued her run of beating me by a couple of points; I thought the score difference was greater than that so I was happy to only narrowly lose.

#WelcomeToTheMoon #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
146 followers · 563 posts · Server

February wasn’t the best gaming month and I didn’t manage to fill the 3x3 grid even but it was perfectly pleasant and I have no complaints. My top two and were both new to me. Loving them both.

March should be much busier as it includes the board game con. One of the highlights of my year. 🎉 🎲 🃏

#WelcomeToTheMoon #Clever4Ever #airecon #bgstats #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
146 followers · 561 posts · Server

My first two player game of last night and I really liked the flow of the game. I started just by building credit economy with investments and building a hotel and ended up with a national park on Mars with birds and trees. Nice story!

Then I tried to build greenhouses on the moon too in - I’m impressed I filled the whole grid in.

Both games were narrow losses - only a couple of points in both of them - and both great fun!

#terraformingmarsaresexpedition #WelcomeToTheMoon #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
144 followers · 557 posts · Server

Teaching myself Adventure 3: The Colony of ready to teach it to others tomorrow. It was simpler than I thought it was going to be - and I thought I was doing ok. Then I added it all up and I found that I had got absolutely slaughtered by the solo opponent Alexei, so maybe not so simple after all!

#WelcomeToTheMoon #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
135 followers · 517 posts · Server

Two played right last night that I'd previously got wrong!

Mission #2 of I learnt solo at the weekend but cheated myself by putting numbers in before energy barriers.

And where I explained it badly last time and my opponent used the scouted squares as anything squares thinking you just missed out on points that way. (This time we saw no monsters!)

Both games better when played with the correct rules. And I lost at both of them 😆

#boardgames #WelcomeToTheMoon #Cartographers #frozenexpanse

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
128 followers · 479 posts · Server

@emmahunneyball My copy of turned up too & I got it straight to the table to try out. I lost to Katherine as well. But it felt like I was miles behind and then my rocket started to fire off combos of finishing things and it was much closer than I thought it was going to be in the end.

#WelcomeToTheMoon #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Now in tecnicolor · @TecnoSmurf
38 followers · 101 posts · Server

Ok, seit Ewigkeiten keine Brettspiele mehr beschafft. Jetzt für die Feiertage brauche ich was zum runter kommen. Also hab ich mir mal zwei neue Roll (Flip) & Writes gekauft.

und . Da freu ich mich schon drauf. Alle auch im Solo-Modus spielbar und gleichzeitig gut für Familienabende zwischen den Jahren. ^__^

#fleetthedicegame #WelcomeToTheMoon #gaming #brettspiele #metime #familienzeit

Last updated 2 years ago

Bastian · @bastian
200 followers · 888 posts · Server

kann auf der Couch klappen. 😃 zumindest bei 'welcome to the moon' ging das gut. Mit Pappen als Unterlage zum Kritzeln und einer Kiste als Kartenunterlage. sieht langweilig aus, aber ist echt spannend. Auch wenn jeder seins macht, schnappt man sich gegenseitig Boni weg. Auch muss man ein Auge auf das Ende halten, wer ist schneller? Schaffe ich noch den Bonus hier oder lieber auf Nummer sicher?
Man hat so viel in der Hand und dadurch fühlt es sich nicht als Glücksspiel an.
Keine Analyseparalyse, sondern eine Strategie und kurzzeitige Abwägungen treffen ist angesagt. Ich hatte das Spiel echt unterschätzt.

#WelcomeToTheMoon #brettspiel

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Young · @confusedbunny
319 followers · 690 posts · Server

Anyone played ? It has eight adventures wrapped up in a campaign. I like it!

#WelcomeToTheMoon #boardgames

Last updated 3 years ago