Rhywun yn gwybod a ydy’r stori hyn yn wir? Hynny yw, ydy’r stadiwm yma yn gosod maes glaswellt ar gyfer un gêm rhwng Wrecsam a Chelsea?
#ThrowbackCultureClub Panelist Joelle from @thepocketpod is extending her Ted Lasso knowledge of UK Football with #WelcomeToWrexham, the hilarious, real, heartwarming docuseries following Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds as they buy a struggling Welsh Football Club. #GPCDCultureClub #Soccer
#soccer #gpcdcultureclub #WelcomeToWrexham #throwbackcultureclub
Not more MasterChef! Never watch it. It’s soooo boring and out of touch. Thank goodness for streaming! Talking of which #WelcomeToWrexham is worth watching!
Tiny Planet Street Art in Wrexham.
#streetart #wrexham #tinyplanet #insta360x3 #insta360 #WelcomeToWrexham #wrexhamfx
#wrexhamfx #WelcomeToWrexham #insta360 #insta360x3 #tinyplanet #wrexham #streetart
Welcome to Wrexham: Ryan Reynolds' Fußballverein gelingt der Aufstieg #WelcomeToWrexham
A new piece of street art in Wrexham to go with the FX series Welcome To Wrexham.
#wrexham #WrexhamAFC #streetart #wrexhamfx #WelcomeToWrexham
#WelcomeToWrexham #wrexhamfx #streetart #WrexhamAFC #wrexham
Congrats to #WrexhamAFC and to all the fans who have been through so much over the last 15 yrs Kudos to Rob and Ryan for making this dream come true Can’t wait for next season of #WelcomeToWrexham for all the behind the scenes & footage of locals Seeing people so happy about something that means so much to them is wonderful 🎉😭🐲 #WeAreGoingUp #TopOfTheTable 🏴
#WrexhamAFC #WelcomeToWrexham #wearegoingup #topofthetable
Let the songs be sung #WrexhamFC look like champs tonight With Mullin good things are possible #WereGoingUp #WelcomeToWrexham
#wrexhamfc #weregoingup #WelcomeToWrexham
Wish I was in #Wrexham right now at the #RacecourseGrounds Can’t imagine the stress anticipation & other emotions right now hopefully leading to elation Best of luck boys (& to Rob and Ryan) #WelcomeToWrexham
#wrexham #racecoursegrounds #WelcomeToWrexham
@fleg 2 years later the club are on the brink of promotion back to the football league, 10,000 people are watching the reinstated women's team win promotion too, and the town is buzzing. there are a lot of arguments for getting rid of filthy rich people but i'm not sure this is really the horse to back tbh. #welcometowrexham
I've been loving #NationalLeague TV. It could be better, but at least it has let me follow #WrexhamAFC's season. I haven't missed a game stream all season.
Todays fixture against #NottsCounty was insane. My heart stopped early and still hasn't fully restarted since the last second stoppage penalty was blocked.
#Football will kill me some day.
#nationalleague #WrexhamAFC #nottscounty #football #WelcomeToWrexham
@forward @darren
On the plus side ..... it will make for dramatic viewing on Monday for #WelcomeToWrexham 📺⚽
9,511 supporters to watch the Wrexham Women best Connahs Quay 2-1, lift the cup, and celebrate promotion to the premier women’s football league. It was a phenomenal atmosphere to rival what I’ve seen with the US Women’s national team. Great day for women’s football in wales, and for Wrexham. Now, that’s one league title down and one left to go! #Wrexham #WrexhamAFC #Wales #Football #Soccer #WelcometoWrexham #northwales #gogs #FAW
#FAW #gogs #northwales #WelcomeToWrexham #soccer #football #Wales #WrexhamAFC #wrexham
soy yo, o “we’ve got Zava” suena mucho a “we’ve got Paul Mullin”? 🤣 #TedLasso (mancantaoooo el capi!!! Y called it!!!) #WelcometoWrexham ❤️
I binged Season 1 of #WelcometoWrexham last week and all I want is for #relegation to come to the #MLB. Yesterday. Like, shoot it directly into my veins.
#SFGiants #baseball
#WelcomeToWrexham #Relegation #mlb #sfgiants #baseball
"Il calcio è lo sport più bello del mondo: è uno spettacolo straordinario, emulsione di emozioni travolgenti, ribaltamenti e colpi di scena degni delle più fini sceneggiature e tragedie.
Nel calcio si piange, si grida e si canta fino a perdere la voce.
Si ama e si odia, si trova uno spirito di unione e un senso di collettività la cui composizione alchemica è complessa e spesso impossibile da riprodurre o da spiegare a parole."
Ok... I may be biased, but this is one great docu-series for the uninitiated...
Whether you're into football or not this is real quality viewing ✌️
#WelcomeToWrexham #WrexhamFX #wrexhamfc #docuseries #Wrexham #football #community #realitytv #ryanreynolds #RobMcElhenney
#RobMcElhenney #ryanreynolds #realitytv #community #football #wrexham #docuseries #wrexhamfc #wrexhamfx #WelcomeToWrexham
Most famous player in the #NationalLeague right now. Mr. #PaulMullin.
#nationalleague #paulmullin #wrexham #WrexhamAFC #facup #WelcomeToWrexham