Still paging any #VeteranMastodonUsers who would be willing to answer questions from newbies!?
I’m part of the unofficial #WelcomingCommittee and we would love to have someone to tag that could answer questions about how different apps work and share other #MastodonTips etc.
Anyone on Deacon or Deacon-adjacent that has been on Mastodon longer than a week, lol?
#VeteranMastodonUsers #WelcomingCommittee #mastodontips
@ministrymisfit Great question!! I’m a self-appointed member of the unofficial #WelcomingCommittee and don’t know the answer to that. I will boost your post and hope someone who has been experimenting with different apps will have some #MastodonTips for you!!
#WelcomingCommittee #mastodontips
@JEBofChristTheLord @ameredith
That’s great, Jonathan! I’m sure Andrew will follow up with you about that if there is a need. (I know nothing about IT, just acting as the semi-official #WelcomingCommittee wooo!!!!)
This is our community! There is a place for every single one of us to use our gifts! ❤️
Friends on, #WCT friends, new friends, one and all!
We have a lot of new tweeps joining us and our community is growing very quickly.
If you’ve been here for more than five minutes, you’re an old hand now!
Join the #WelcomingCommittee by boosting and replying to introduction posts and sharing #MastodonTips
Thanks for building your community!
#wct #WelcomingCommittee #mastodontips
@ameredith Yes!! I would love that!
I can’t keep up at my current rate either lol, but I am 100% sure we can recruit some ppl to be part of the #WelcomingCommittee !!
I wasn't intending to do endless Seeker repaints, but everyone seems to want them
#Hasbro #HasbroPulse
#WelcomingCommittee #Transformers #digibash #トランスフォーマー #TFTOYの面白さを伝え隊 #G1 #Retro
#hasbro #hasbropulse #WelcomingCommittee #transformers #digibash #トランスフォーマー #TFTOYの面白さを伝え隊 #G1 #retro