IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
289 followers · 1928 posts · Server

Treatment for the Dead, Discharge Before Surgery and the Many Problems of Ayushman Bharat

The first ever CAG report on the PMJAY highlights how the scheme has been riddled with corruption and visible fraudulence.

#pmjay #cag #ayushmanbharat #nha #healthcare #healthinsurance #corruption #aadhaar #pmjayid #ekyc #governance #welfareschemes #Welfare #uniongovt #BJP #COVID19 #india

Last updated 1 year ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
287 followers · 1911 posts · Server

Tamil Nadu: Dalit and tribal organisations demand SC/ST sub-plan for better utilisation of funds

The draft demanded that the allocated fund to the SC/ST welfare should not be diverted to other plans and it should be non-lapsable.

#tamilnadu #scstsubplan #tribalsubplan #scheduledcastesubplan #tsp #scp #scst #dalits #tribals #adidravidar #adivasis #Welfare #TNGovt #india

Last updated 1 year ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
274 followers · 1820 posts · Server

A Prime Ministerial Scheme To Stop Poverty Due to Health Crises Is Helping Poorest Indians The Least

Launched in 2018, the Prime Minister’s health insurance programme was meant to prevent ‘catastrophic’ health expenditure that pushed 60 million Indians into poverty each year. In September 2022, the government claimed it had ‘saved crores of families’ from such expenditure, but there are no data to support this claim, and studies indicate India’s most marginalised people are not benefitting, while insurance companies are.

#pmjay #healthinsurance #healthcare #health #Welfare #Budget2023 #pmbjp #india

Last updated 1 year ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
266 followers · 1782 posts · Server

Centre suspends chief of institute that prepares family health survey

International Institute for Population Sciences Director KS James had reportedly been asked to quit as the government had reservations about some data sets.

The Wire reported that some of the findings of the National Family Health Survey-5 were at odds with claims made by the Narendra Modi government. The survey has punched holes in the prime minister’s claims of the country being open defecation free.

#iips #familyhealthsurvey #ksjames #data #Welfare #nutrition #childmortality #SwachhBharat #opendefecation #BJP #uniongovt #dissent #india

Last updated 1 year ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
256 followers · 1701 posts · Server
Jacob Resneck ✓ · @jacobresneck
605 followers · 282 posts · Server

that monitor groups say is just the latest example of an organization bankrolled by a small network of activists intent on , dismantling protections and restricting

#watchdogs #darkmoney #fga #advocacy #billionaire #deregulation #Welfare #voting #News #press #wisconsin

Last updated 1 year ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
4869 followers · 4208 posts · Server

BBC News - : Illegal -n hunt drove people to despair

#robodebt #australia #Welfare

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
696 followers · 32138 posts · Server
Shades · @shades
678 followers · 1622 posts · Server

by in :

"Since January, rural workers have staged protests urging the Indian government to respond to their pleas regarding wages that have gone unpaid for months, the absence of work despite demand, and the contentious 'appification' and digitization of the employment process."

#sumedhapal #jacobin #india #narendramodi #nrega #jobs #rural #workers #Welfare #employment #protest #protests #protesters

Last updated 1 year ago

Thibault Boehly · @thibhly
100 followers · 82 posts · Server
IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
201 followers · 1482 posts · Server

CoWin Fiasco Should Alert Us to Hidden Agendas Behind Digital Identity-Based Governance

While CoWin may have been promoted as the solution for vaccine management delivery, the idea was also to promote data sharing with the private sector for the digital health economy. The same model is being pushed across the globe by multilateral organisations.

#cowindatabreach #cowin #CyberSecurity #dataprotection #digitalidentity #aadhaar #uidai #UNDP #Welfare #surveillance #privacy #humanrights #exclusion #indiastack #india

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
604 followers · 29660 posts · Server
IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
188 followers · 1397 posts · Server

Aadhaar, ID card, GST registration, income tax: Conditions mount for Congress’ ‘unconditional’ guarantees

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has estimated that the implementation of Congress’ five guarantees will cost Karnataka ₹59,000 crore annually.

#karnataka #Inc #congress #Welfare #benefitschemes #aadhaar #gst #incometax #india

Last updated 1 year ago

Earthworm · @earthworm
341 followers · 1166 posts · Server

Excellent take on one of the reasons* why the neoliberalization of society makes the overall economy more inefficient:

"At a micro-level, the dispersion and precarity of life outcomes in the United States make us all as individuals behave as if we are more greedy [...] I've described this before as "predatory precarity".

* : There are more, e.g. preparation of the ground for fascism and the destruction of te environment seem also to be clearly limiting factors...

@lykso :anarchoheart3:

#economy #degrowth #PostGrowth #SocialSecurity #Welfare #neoliberalism #capitalism #ecomomicefficiency #macroeconomy #microeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
187 followers · 1386 posts · Server

Centre asks states to get MGNREGS workers to switch to Aadhaar-based payment method

Activists have been resisting the move, saying that several of the workers under the employment scheme are not eligible for the payment method.

#mgnregs #aadhaar #digitaldivide #employment #labour #Welfare #scheme #dataprotection #security #uidai #india

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server

"@historickomodo submission: “Salvador Allende didn’t die for this shit.”

For newbies playing along at home, this circulates all over the place on pages, and it’s filled with pieces of . Firstly, one can’t really be a and a at the same time – if you support capitalist over the means of , then you support capitalism; if you support ownership over the means of production, where people have a say in the and they contribute to, then you support socialism. I don’t know how to make it more succinct than that. Also, is the post-scarcity natural conclusion of socialism, a / / where -operated is held in common and  “contribute according to their and receive according to their ”; is a aspect of the ideology, ergo a  “forcing everybody to be exactly equal” is not communism. 

Secondly, channeling government power to curb capitalism’s self-destructive excesses is merely Keynesian capitalism or Scandinavian social democracy, both of which try to use the state to mitigate structural tension within the parameters of the system (and all-too-often to wither away class consciousness and pushes for actual socialist change). 

Thirdly and lastly, “the and society being run democratically to meet needs rather than for a few” is literally socialism. Capitalism by definition will always have a tiny class of owners pulling the and strings; as long as they own the means of production and accrue profit off the backs of the class, they will always, always have disproportionate power in society. Such is the of class relations – throughout history, laboring classes have produced the things society needs while ruling classes have sat and accrued the most . If labor produces all, why not have a society democratically run by ?"

#meme #liberal #contradictory #ideology #capitalist #socialist #ownership #production #democratic #institutions #activities #communism #stateless #moneyless #classless #society #socially #Property #people #abilities #needs #statelessness #Fundamental #totalitarian #government #Welfare #economy #human #profit #greedy #economic #political #laboring #nature #wealth #laborers

Last updated 1 year ago

Archon · @Archon
13 followers · 116 posts · Server

The Daily Telegraph neglects to mention the fact that 90% of this "" spend is state . Not housing , not child benefits, not out of work , not sickness or disability benefits. It's pensions.

Daily Telegraph readers presumably wouldn't like that awkward fact being raised.

#Welfare #pensions #benefit #benefits

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
344 followers · 490 posts · Server

“Christians are supposed to be at the tip of the spear in alleviating poverty, especially when it comes to other believers. That doesn’t mean, however, that we are under any obligation to help indolent bums. Such people are not entitled to our generosity. They have chosen the path of poverty.”

Note: Click if you want, but I'd advise not wasting your time on the entire article like I did. The above quote more than sums it up.

#christians #christianity #bible #charity #poverty #Welfare #work #workrequirements #debtceiling #debt #fiscalpolicy

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1305 followers · 2937 posts · Server

To those who continue to argue that Biden is better than Trump, how do you feel about:

*The millions who'll be thrown off of welfare b/c of his debt ceiling deal?
*The millions thrown off Medicaid because of his lifting of the covid emergency?
*The stream-lining of oil drilling leases under his debt ceiling agreement?
*His military budget, the largest by any president ever, which is protected under the debt ceiling deal?
*That his debt ceiling deal excludes tax increases on the wealthy, while rolling back earlier plans to hire more IRS agents to police them?

This is class warfare on steroids. A proliferation of the decades-long policies that have caused the record wealth gap.

There is no question Biden is less overtly obnoxious than Trump, that some of his policies (e.g., regarding the environment) are less terrible; that his judge appointments are less right wing. But he is still a faithful representative of the wealthy; and these "lessers" are little more than window dressing to keep the libs and Dems voting for people like him; people who've done nothing to slow or halt the proliferation of fascist ideologues and their supporters in the U.S.

#debtceiling #classwar #biden #trump #mccarthy #Welfare #medicare #irs #military #covid #fascism

Last updated 1 year ago