Hello Everyone!

πŸŽ‰ The Frederick, MD, Salesforce Architect Group's first meeting is live! We are starting off with an introduction to Salesforce Well-Architected, with an amazing presenter, Tom Leddy!

🎯 Join us virtually!

Link: trailblazercommunitygroups.com

#salesforce #salesforcearchitects #WellArchitected #TrailblazerCommunity #architect

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason · @jasonm
57 followers · 175 posts · Server fosstodon.org

question β€” what are some good models for authentication for multiple web apps?

Picture a platform that has a dashboard connecting you to multiple different apps. Perhaps some are SPAs, some are traditional.

If you wanted to authenticate at the platform level such that the apps would be able to access the identity, what are some good ways to do it? What would that authentication service need to be responsible for?


Last updated 2 years ago

Lambros Petrou · @lambrospetrou
14 followers · 12 posts · Server fosstodon.org

"AWS Fault Isolation Boundaries" - docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepaper

Excellent overview of how AWS builds zonal, regional, and global boundaries. Interesting how services are split into control and data planes, with control planes mostly being regional, and data planes regional or global.

#aws #WellArchitected #regional #global #architecture

Last updated 2 years ago