Spent the arvo having a late lunch with three generations of the family at the Southern Cross... Was also Face Painting day, Jazz Appreciation Society day and the sun was being glorious.
Messages from Dan aka YeehawTheBoys ->
You can't beat #WellingtonOnAGoodDay like #CubaDupa and #TransRally
Cities need to support Arts and Culture to keep them alive. Make sure to remind Mayor Brown and #Auckland Council of this simple truth!!
#WellingtonOnAGoodDay #cubadupa #transrally #auckland
#WellingtonOnAGoodDay Today in #Wellington New Zealand we're blessed both with a #PublicHoliday for Wellington Anniversary Day and with #SuperSmash #Cricket!! 🏏 😍 I'm re-watching the brilliant #WellingtonBlaze vs #CanterburyMagicians. Women's cricket at its finest!
#WellingtonOnAGoodDay #wellington #publicholiday #supersmash #cricket #wellingtonblaze #canterburymagicians
flying fern eclipse this morning in the civic square. was hanging out with the kids & one of their friends while they had a dance-off to uptown funk.
#wellington #WellingtonOnAGoodDay
Such a great spot to take a mid-afternoon break from the computer. #WellingtonOnAGoodDay
Everyone is chilling out in the McKegg house today. #cats #WellingtonOnAGoodDay #introduction
#cats #WellingtonOnAGoodDay #introduction