Bryn Fon - Coedwig ar dan
Mae Bryn Fon yn ganwr-gyfansoddwr Cymraeg gwych
Ac, hen hoff arall
Bryn Fon is a brilliant Welsh singer-songwriter and another old favourite 😁
#Cerddoriaeth Gymraeg
#WelshMusic 🏴
#cerddoriaeth #WelshMusic #ymarfercymraeg #welshpractice
Un Funud Fach - Bryn Fon
Bryn Fon singing
One small Minute
(geiriau / lyrics yn Cymraeg a Saesneg)
#welshpractice #ymarfercymraeg #Wales #cymru #WelshMusic #MiwsigCymraeg
Dwyieithog canwr-gyfansoddwr
Al Lewis
Cymraeg a Saesneg
Dyma hoff gân yn Gymraeg
Dyma hoff gân yn Saesneg
singer songwriter
Al Lewis
Welsh and English
This is a favourite song in Welsh
(with lyrics)
This is a favourite song in English
#independence #annibyniaeth #cymru #WelshMusic #cymraeg #miwsig #cerddoriaeth
@ gemlog
Talentog Ifanc Cymru 🏴❤️
Dwi'n caru hwn!
Dwi wedi rhannu'r gerddoriaeth gymraeg yma o'r blaen ond mae'n gasgliad anhygoel o gerddorion ifanc cymraeg. 🏴 😁
Mae'n wych!!
Young Welsh Talent!
I love this!
I've shared this Welsh language music before but it's an amazing collection of young Welsh musicians
It's great!
#WelshMusic #miwsig #cerddoriaeth
Gwena - Gwibdaith Hen Frân (geiriau / lyrics)
#WelshMusic #miwsiggymraeg #CerddoriaethCymraeg
Spring song in Welsh. Cân gwanwyn yn Gymraeg. Mae'r Ddaear yn Glasu = The Earth is Turning Green. The first two verses describe the growing beauty of spring, then...
Mae’r ddaear fawr ffrwythlon a’i thrysor yn ddigon
I borthi’i thrigolion yn dirion bob dydd
Pe byddem ni ddynion mewn cyflwr heddychlon
Yn caru’n un galon ein gilydd.
The great fertile earth and her treasure is enough
To feed her inhabitants well every day,
If we men were in a peaceful state
Loving each other with one heart.
Mae'r Ddaear yn Glasu - Gwenan Gibbard
#FolkMusic #FolkSong #Folk #music #CerddoriaethCymru #WelshMusic #CalanMai #UK #Cymru #Wales
#folkmusic #folksong #folk #Music #cerddoriaethcymru #WelshMusic #calanmai #uk #cymru #wales
VRï are an absolute JOY. Catch them on tour if you can! #Welshmusic #chamberfolk #welshlanguagemusic #folkmusic
#folkmusic #welshlanguagemusic #chamberfolk #WelshMusic
Dwi'n caru hwn!
I love this
Gwenno - Tir Ha Mor | Lleisiau Eraill: Aberteifi 2022
"It's about the Celtic connections between Cardigan and Dingle - two small towns on the western edge that share landscape, language and spirit.'
Sgroliwch i lawr am y disgrifiad o'r gân
Scroll down for the description of the song
#ymarfercymraeg #WelshMusic #miwsig #CerddoriaethCymraeg #gwenno
Dwi'n cytuno! Gwych! Byddwn i caru i weld nhw'n perfformio mewn
gig live
I agree! Great!
I would love to see them perform at a live gig.
Bit old for gigs though 😂
#ymarfercymraeg #WelshMusic #MiwsigCymraeg
Our Release Of The Week 19-01-23
Hap A Damwain - Ni Neu Nhw
#WelshMusic #Wales #communityradio #Music #newmusic
I’ve written a piece for about legendary Welsh band Datblygu. The amazingly talented Pat Morgan from the band talks about their history and the release of their forthcoming best of ‘Terfysgiaith’. Have a read here: #Cymru #Wales #WelshMusic
Great night at the Victoria in Dalston watching two fantastic Welsh bands - Ynys and Gillie
#indiemusic #WelshMusic #Ynys #gillie
Dwi'n caru'r gân yma gan Kizzy Crawford!
'Y Ddrudwy'
Hardd, gwreiddiol yn union fel hi.
I love this song by Kizzy Crawford!
'The Starling'
Beautiful, original just like her.
Eady Crawford, chwaer Kizzy, hefyd yn gorjys ac yn dalentog iawn
Kizzy's sister Eady is also gorjys and very talented
'Meddwl am Ti'
'Thinking of You'
Kizzy a Eady Crawford ar S4C
#WelshMusic #music #cerddoriaeth #miwsig
Mari Lwyd had her first outing today! Blessing the local Pagan shop with singing, bell ringing, drumming, and snapping those lovely jaws! 😃🎶✨🎀 🐴
Photo: Mari Lwyd of Severn (Maryland, US) inside the local Pagan shop, decorated horse skull on a stick being held by a person under a white sheet. She has blue eyes in the sockets that may appear to be looking at the camera.
#WelshPaganism #MariLwyd #wassail #WelshMusic
One of my favourite Welsh singer songwriters
Steve Eaves
Iesu Grist ar y Tren o Gaer - Steve Eaves (geiriau / lyrics)
Jesus Christ on the Train From Chester
Goleuadau Llundain - Daniel Lloyd a Mr Pinc (geiriau / lyrics)
Gyda geiriau yn Gymraeg a Saesneg Felly beth am ganu ar hyd?
With lyrics in Welsh and English why not sing along?
#music #electronic #welshmusic #kellyleeowens
Following on from my Koreless recommendation whilst on the topic of Welsh electronic music...I can't not mention Kelly Lee Owens.
This is one of my favourite electronic tracks of all time. I had it on repeat one time for an entire 3 hour car journey. I never get tired of it
#kellyleeowens #WelshMusic #electronic #music