Simon Brooke · @simon_brooke
958 followers · 13031 posts · Server

โ€œI know it just takes years to recover from these sorts of events,โ€ said Drakeford. โ€œFundamentally, it seems to me the difficulties of 1991 happened 13 years into a Conservative government and here we are, by chance as much as anything else, 13 years into a Conservative government again.โ€

It's worth noting that Wales, like Scotland, has not voted for a Tory government in my lifetime, and I am now sixty seven.

#Welshindependence #scottishindependence #youyesyet

Last updated 1 year ago

Rather than having referendum on NI or Scotland or Wales remaining part of UK why not cut to the chase and declare English independence?
After all didn't they claim in Brexit debate that they wanted to take their country back?
Let us make no pretence that the opinions of those of us who live in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales matter.

#IrishUnity #Welshindependence #scottishindepedence #EnglishIndependence

Last updated 1 year ago

JohnPaul · @fawxyjp
227 followers · 150 posts · Server

If you want the A9 to be duelled then donโ€™t expect Labour in Scotland to do it. Labour in Wales has halted all major roadworks for the next year So Scotland do not allow labour anywhere near our parliament right now cause we wouldnโ€™t get it from the either share far and wide ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ

#ScottishIndependence2023 #Welshindependence

Last updated 2 years ago

31st of December marked the 30th anniversary of the break-up of Czechoslovakia to form the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
If Czechoslovakia can breakup in a peaceful way with a friendly outcome, why cannot same thing happen with a breakup of the UK?
Independence is way more normal than press would have us believe.

#IrishUnity #Welshindependence #EnglishIndependence #scottishindependence

Last updated 2 years ago

Listening Politician · @BarmanPolitics
93 followers · 117 posts · Server
Plaid Cymru · @plaidcymru
31 followers · 1 posts · Server

Shwmae! ๐Ÿ‘‹ We are Plaid Cymru. We're a political party committed to building a Wales for all, based on , and .

We are the only pro- party in the . :baner:

We have recently joined Mastodon - and hope it will be a good place to have conversations about what matters to you. ๐Ÿ˜€

#senedd #Welshindependence #equality #fairness #community

Last updated 2 years ago

richardemepham · @richardemepham
15 followers · 8 posts · Server

Left it a while I know but time. Iโ€™m living the dream in Barry, South Wales. 50s, two daughters, two and a cat. Carefully preserved by my wife Carys for nearly 30 years. . Lived in and loved for 20+ years. Support even though I am from dartford originally. . Enjoying going slowly bald.

#introduction #dogs #music #football #ipswichtown #barrytownunited #Wales #Welshindependence #cymreig #leftwingpolitics #socialism #welshlabour #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati #ITFC #welshfootball #jdcymrusouth

Last updated 2 years ago

richardemepham · @richardemepham
70 followers · 70 posts · Server

Left it a while I know but time. Iโ€™m living the dream in Barry, South Wales. 50s, two daughters, two and a cat. Carefully preserved by my wife Carys for nearly 30 years. . Lived in and loved for 20+ years. Support even though I am from dartford originally. . Enjoying going slowly bald.

#introduction #dogs #music #football #ipswichtown #barrytownunited #Wales #Welshindependence #cymreig #leftwingpolitics #socialism #welshlabour #guardianreadingtofueatingwokerati #ITFC #welshfootball #jdcymrusouth

Last updated 2 years ago

Fletcher Long Archer · @Long_Archer
41 followers · 64 posts · Server

Anyone in Ireland & the overwhelming majority of those in Northern Ireland will tell you that leaving the mafia is easier that leaving the Union.


#unitedkingdom #uk #scottishindependence #Welshindependence #wise

Last updated 2 years ago

Great to see some more familiar names from the crowd moving over from the birdy site! Da iawn!


Last updated 2 years ago

Not an MI5 Agent · @MI5official
47 followers · 61 posts · Server

Looking forward to Mastodon being the social media platform of

#cymruambyth #cofiwchdryweryn #Welshindependence

Last updated 2 years ago

A on .

My nextdoor neighbour can't tap off my electricity and water then sell it back to me.

They can't tell me what I can spend my money on or decide how much I can borrow.

They can't outvote me in elections or veto my choices.

They can't use my garden for their conservatory, nor my roof for their solar panels.

They can't steal or cancel my grocery delivery.

Why is this normal for my home, but not for my country? Westminster is why.

Independence is normal. ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ

#Welshindependence #Twt500

Last updated 3 years ago

@DafSmith Hello! Yes I am all for independence. Also keen to connect with the folk on here.

#indycurious #Welshindependence

Last updated 3 years ago

If there are any or people here, I'd like to follow you.
Use any of these hashtags or interact with this toot and let's connect.

#YmaOHyd #indycurious #indywales #Welshindependence #annibyniaeth

Last updated 3 years ago

Hi everyone! Shwmae pawb? Here's my .

I'm Daf. A welshman living in the English Midlands. I'm an in automotive, , and student in and energy engineering.

Big fan, fan, fan, most sports really.

I'm an avid supporter of , and a member of . I'm also a learner.

Finally, I'm a big fan of having 500 characters to play with!


#dliyn #introductions #cymraeg #yescymru #Welshindependence #curling #football #rugby #renewables #OpenUniversity #design #engineer #introduction

Last updated 3 years ago