Acht Menschen, neunzig Minuten, ein Ziel: Pluggendorf vom Müll befreien. Und das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen! Zum ersten (und sicher nicht zum letzen) Mal war ich heute beim Müllwandern dabei - und es hat richtig Spaß gemacht! Für alle, die auch Lust darauf haben: Es geht jeden zweiten Sonntag im Monat durch ein anderes Stadtviertel von Münster.
#müllwandern #müllwandernmünster #münster #müllsammeln #nachbarschaft #weltverbesserer #nachhaltigkeit
#nachhaltigkeit #Weltverbesserer #nachbarschaft #mullsammeln #munster #mullwandernmunster #mullwandern
Rare Species of Feline Dubbed the ‘Original Grumpy Cat’ Found Living On Mount Everest
Rare Species of Feline Dubbed the ‘Original Grumpy Cat’ Found Living On Mount Everest
A DNA analysis confirmed that the rare and little-known Pallas’ cat lives on the body of Mount Everest—three miles above sea level.
#PallasCat #MountEverest #DNAAnalysis #SagarmathaNationalPark #EnvironmentalSamples #MastoCats #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #TroetCafe
#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #mastocats #environmentalsamples #sagarmathanationalpark #dnaanalysis #mounteverest #pallascat
Rare Species of Feline Dubbed the ‘Original Grumpy Cat’ Found Living On Mount Everest
Rare Species of Feline Dubbed the ‘Original Grumpy Cat’ Found Living On Mount Everest
A DNA analysis confirmed that the rare and little-known Pallas’ cat lives on the body of Mount Everest—three miles above sea level.
#PallasCat #MountEverest #DNAAnalysis #SagarmathaNationalPark #EnvironmentalSamples #MastoCats #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #TroetCafe
#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #mastocats #environmentalsamples #sagarmathanationalpark #dnaanalysis #mounteverest #pallascat
It was a long Thursday, but Mike and Heather had been looking forward to it all week. They'd finally get to spend the evening together, and maybe even sleep in for the night. Mike tucked Heather into bed, kissed her softly and said, "Dream of all the places we'll go together and think of our love."
Heather closed her...
#LoveStoriy #Thursday #GoodLuck #GoodDreams #Couples #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#goodnight #ThrowbackThursday #lovestoriy #Thursday #goodluck #gooddreams #couples #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
A magnificent image of Thor, the mighty Norse God of Thunder, flying across the sky with Mjolnir in hand, ready to smite down any enemy in his path....
#Thor #NorseGod #Mjolnir #Hallowing #Protector #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#thor #god #Thursday #norsegod #mjolnir #hallowing #protector #tbt #ThrowbackThursday #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
It was a long Thursday, but Mike and Heather had been looking forward to it all week. They'd finally get to spend the evening together, and maybe even sleep in for the night. Mike tucked Heather into bed, kissed her softly and said, "Dream of all the places we'll go together and think of our love."
Heather closed her...
#LoveStoriy #Thursday #GoodLuck #GoodDreams #Couples #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #NRWSocial
#GoodNight #throwbackthursday #lovestoriy #thursday #goodluck #gooddreams #couples #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial
It was a long Thursday, but Mike and Heather had been looking forward to it all week. They'd finally get to spend the evening together, and maybe even sleep in for the night. Mike tucked Heather into bed, kissed her softly and said, "Dream of all the places we'll go together and think of our love."
Heather closed her...
#LoveStoriy #Thursday #GoodLuck #GoodDreams #Couples #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #TroetCafe
#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #couples #gooddreams #goodluck #thursday #lovestoriy #throwbackthursday #goodnight
22 Fabulous Facts About #Thursday #ThorsDay
Many students call Thursdays ‘Thirsty Thursdays” due to a decreasing number of lessons students have on a Friday, making it the day to start their weekend drinking.
Some Germanic-derived languages name Thursday after Thor, like “Torsdag” in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, “Donnerstag” in ...
#Thor #NorseGod #Mjolnir #Hallowing #Protector #ThrowbackThursday #TBT #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#Thursday #thorsday #thor #norsegod #mjolnir #hallowing #protector #ThrowbackThursday #tbt #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
A magnificent image of Thor, the mighty Norse God of Thunder, flying across the sky with Mjolnir in hand, ready to smite down any enemy in his path....
#Thor #NorseGod #Mjolnir #Hallowing #Protector #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #NRWSocial
#thor #god #thursday #norsegod #mjolnir #hallowing #protector #tbt #throwbackthursday #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial
What good things happen mostly on Thursdays?
1\. Most television shows air their new episodes on Thursdays.
2\. Many movie theaters offer discounted tickets on Thursdays.
3\. Many cities and towns host farmers markets, craft fairs, or music venues in their downtown areas on Thursdays. 4. Some restaurants offer specials or discounts for customers din...
#ThrowBackThursday #TbT #GoodThingsThursday #GTT #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#ThrowbackThursday #tbt #goodthingsthursday #gtt #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
A magnificent image of Thor, the mighty Norse God of Thunder, flying across the sky with Mjolnir in hand, ready to smite down any enemy in his path....
#Thor #NorseGod #Mjolnir #Hallowing #Protector #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #TroetCafe
#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #throwbackthursday #tbt #protector #hallowing #mjolnir #norsegod #thursday #god #thor
22 Fabulous Facts About #Thursday #ThorsDay
Many students call Thursdays ‘Thirsty Thursdays” due to a decreasing number of lessons students have on a Friday, making it the day to start their weekend drinking.
Some Germanic-derived languages name Thursday after Thor, like “Torsdag” in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, “Donnerstag” in ...
#Thor #NorseGod #Mjolnir #Hallowing #Protector #ThrowbackThursday #TBT #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #NRWSocial
#thursday #thorsday #thor #norsegod #mjolnir #hallowing #protector #throwbackthursday #tbt #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial
#ThrowbackThursday #TbT #Meaning
\#ThrowbackThursday—often shorted to #TBT—is a social media trend where users post old images accompanied by (you guessed it) the hashtag TBT.
You’ve probably seen #TBT or “Throwback Thursday” before.
Maybe it was an embarrassing yearbook photo from a high school friend.
Maybe it was a an Instagram post from your mom of that ...
#ThrowbackThursday #TbT #PhotoThursday #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#ThrowbackThursday #tbt #Meaning #photothursday #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
What good things happen mostly on Thursdays?
1\. Most television shows air their new episodes on Thursdays.
2\. Many movie theaters offer discounted tickets on Thursdays.
3\. Many cities and towns host farmers markets, craft fairs, or music venues in their downtown areas on Thursdays. 4. Some restaurants offer specials or discounts for customers din...
#ThrowBackThursday #TbT #GoodThingsThursday #GTT #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #NRWSocial
#throwbackthursday #tbt #goodthingsthursday #gtt #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial
22 Fabulous Facts About #Thursday #ThorsDay
Many students call Thursdays ‘Thirsty Thursdays” due to a decreasing number of lessons students have on a Friday, making it the day to start their weekend drinking.
Some Germanic-derived languages name Thursday after Thor, like “Torsdag” in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, “Donnerstag” in ...
#Thor #NorseGod #Mjolnir #Hallowing #Protector #ThrowbackThursday #TBT #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #TroetCafe
#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #tbt #throwbackthursday #protector #hallowing #mjolnir #norsegod #thor #thorsday #thursday
Decisions, Wormholes and Extra Dimensions: How To Travel the Multiverse
Wormholes are fascinating cosmic phenomena that scientists have been trying to grasp for centuries. In the simplest of terms, a wormhole is a theoretical connection between two points in space-time, allowing for instantaneous travel and linking far away stars, galaxies or universe...
#wormholes #astronomy #space #cosmology #science #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#Wormholes #astronomy #space #cosmology #science #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
What good things happen mostly on Thursdays?
1\. Most television shows air their new episodes on Thursdays.
2\. Many movie theaters offer discounted tickets on Thursdays.
3\. Many cities and towns host farmers markets, craft fairs, or music venues in their downtown areas on Thursdays. 4. Some restaurants offer specials or discounts for customers din...
#ThrowBackThursday #TbT #GoodThingsThursday #GTT #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #TroetCafe
#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #GTT #goodthingsthursday #tbt #throwbackthursday
#ThrowbackThursday #TbT #Meaning
\#ThrowbackThursday—often shorted to #TBT—is a social media trend where users post old images accompanied by (you guessed it) the hashtag TBT.
You’ve probably seen #TBT or “Throwback Thursday” before.
Maybe it was an embarrassing yearbook photo from a high school friend.
Maybe it was a an Instagram post from your mom of that ...
#ThrowbackThursday #TbT #PhotoThursday #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #NRWSocial
#throwbackthursday #tbt #meaning #photothursday #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial
Biologen aus Florida bilden menschliche Kette, um einen Delfin vor der Strandung zu retten
Als sich ein Delfin verirrte und einen Kanal in Florida hinaufschwamm, bildeten nicht weniger als 30 Biologen und Freiwillige eine Menschenkette, um den Weg des Delfins weiter hinauf zu blockieren.
Dank ihrer Bemühung...
#Rettungsaktion #DelfinSchwimmen #ClearwaterMarineAquarium #ClearwaterFlorida #MenschenKette #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#rettungsaktion #delfinschwimmen #clearwatermarineaquarium #clearwaterflorida #menschenkette #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne