Happy birthday to film director-writer Werner Herzog, enduring and endearing weirdo and international treasure, b. 1942.
Artist/director/puppet designer Robin Frohardt created an offbeat tribute to Herzog and his film 'Fitzcarraldo' — all from cardboard:
• 'Fitzcardboardaldo'
There's also a companion work showing how that cardboard tribute film was made:
• 'The Corrugation of Dreams'
#botd #herzog #cinemastodon #filmmaker #WernerHerzog
Just updated my predictions for this year's #Camerimage festival program with just announced director/DP duo award recipients #WernerHerzog and #PeterZeitlinger – follow meee and meet me in Toruń :) #cinematography https://t.co/ovSJ41s1TN
#camerimage #WernerHerzog #peterzeitlinger #cinematography
Vandaag heb ik voor het eerst in jaren #Fitzcarraldo (1982) van #WernerHerzog weer gezien. Nu voor het eerst in de bios.
Wat. Een. Film!
Die is met recht vergelijkbaar met een paar van de beste films ooit gemaakt: #ApocalypseNow, #2001ASpaceOddyssey, #Solaris.
Daar kan ik hele theorieën op loslaten. Maar misschien moet ik die maar bewaren voor een blog hier of daar.
#solaris #2001aspaceoddyssey #apocalypsenow #WernerHerzog #fitzcarraldo
#WernerHerzog #KlausKinski revisit. We gaan morgen naar #Fitzcarraldo.
#fitzcarraldo #klauskinski #WernerHerzog
An iconic scene of one of the best movies by #WernerHerzog
#WernerHerzog #cinemastodon #movies #NeuerDeutscherFilm #stroszek
Van z'n films zijn alleen 30 voorstellingen in Eye. 6 films worden landelijk uitgebracht in filmhuizen.
Maar... Naar aanleiding van de 80e verjaardag van Werner Herzog is ook een dvd box uitgebracht.
Te bestellen op https://www.wernerherzog.com/index.html#dvd
#WernerHerzog #dvd
/2 Werner Herzog in Nieuwsuur:
#WernerHerzog #Eye #Ámsterdam
Ahh.. Werner Herzog was in Nieuwsuur wegens een tentoonstelling die vanaf morgen te zien is in Eye.
Meer info:
Wel jammer dat je niet in het kader van die tentoonstelling online een deel van z'n oeuvre kunt huren om te bekijken. Want uiteindelijk draait natuurlijk alles om die films en documentaires.
#WernerHerzog #Eye #Amsterdam
Today in Writing History May 16, 1906: Margaret Rey was born. Rey was an author an illustrator of children’s books. She cowrote the Curious George books with her husband H.A. Rey. Born in Germany to Jewish parents, she studied art at Bauhaus and later worked in advertising. In 1935, she fled Germany to escape the Nazis, moving to Rio de Janeiro. There she met H.A. Rey, also a German Jew who had fled the Nazis. Many of us remember the Curious George stories fondly. George was a monkey, who was kind of like an adorable little boy. Yet in every one of the stories, he does something naughty that disappoints his “daddy,” (The man in the Yellow Hat), and has to win back his affection doing something dangerous. In one story, he is exploited by a cook and must wash dishes without pay. In another, he is hired as a window washer on a skyscraper. Even his origin story is fraught, with the Yellow Hatted Man kidnapping him from his home in Africa. In this video clip, hear Werner Herzog’s take on the stories:
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #CuriousGeorge #books #fiction #ChildrensBooks #WernerHerzog #illustrator #nazis #fascism @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #CuriousGeorge #books #fiction #childrensbooks #WernerHerzog #illustrator #nazis #fascism
Useless quote for 2 May:
"I am fascinated by the idea that our civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness."
~ Werner Herzog, 2002
"Cinema Cats" | Screenshot from #WernerHerzog's first film "Signs of Life" (1968).
🎥 Cinematography by #ThomasMauch
#cats #catsofmastodon #caturday #movies #film #ww2 #Greece #german #Kos
#kos #German #Greece #ww2 #Film #Movies #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #thomasmauch #WernerHerzog
#Fireball: #VisitorsFromDarkerWorlds on #AppleTV is #WernerHerzog (again with #CliveOppenheimer) in peak ridiculousness, originality, and philosophical, existential form.
It's not his best work, or even great, but it gives new, deeper, and more profound understanding and meaning to the life-giving and life-taking objects that land on this planet in a ceaseless rain of dust and rocks without which life and humanity couldn't exist, and which may end it all at any moment.
#cliveoppenheimer #WernerHerzog #appletv #visitorsfromdarkerworlds #fireball
Ze magical history tour is here
#berlin #berlinale #film #kino #kinoarsenal #WernerHerzog
Favorit i repris.
Always worth repeating.
#SlavojZizek & #WernerHerzog locked in an eternal conversation. #AI at its finest.
#SlavojZizek #WernerHerzog #ai
Took this picture at Visart Video eleven years ago today during my first visit to that fine establishment. Note the sections dedicated to #IngmarBergman and #WernerHerzog. I had just moved to Charlotte, so I felt compelled to investigate its video store.
Took this picture at Visart Video eleven years ago today during my first visit to that fine establishment. Note the sections dedicated to #IngmarBergman and #WernerHerzog. I had just moved to Charlotte, so I felt compelled to investigate its video store.
@ChrisCPS @bookstodon Okay, my potential top 7 for #bookstodon, with honourable mentions in another post:
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#WernerHerzog, Conquest of the Useless
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#ReneeGladman, Ravicka series
#HalldórLaxness, Under the Glacier
#NickCave, The Sick Bag Song
#bookstodon #HermannHesse #WernerHerzog #marciadouglas #italocalvino #reneegladman #halldorlaxness #nickcave