Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
183 followers · 531 posts · Server

Epag day 1: Happy Birthday Wesir! (Osiris)


He Who is above, and below.
Who comes forth from the horizon to create the heavens themselves,
Whose beauty fills the Earth at our feet.
The stars come from You,
the Blessed Dead shine forth.
Heritage of the land, Ruler of the two horizons,
Bless my comings and my goings
from each first light to the final journey West.
Ground me to the dirt as I tread,
black as pitch, cool like melted ice,
but lift me up to soar amongst the greatest heights
that I may know the bounds of Your Kingdom.
Bestow upon me Your grief
that I may know separation, sacrifice, and reconciliation,
to appreciate what came before
and welcome steps to come with an embrace.
He Who glides upon the lake like air,
and lifts the gentle birds upon His back,
refresh my face Yourself
so that I look upon this world with eyes anew.

(c) Nesiwepwawet | Graylynn


#wepronpet #epagomenal #Wesir #osiris #birthday #kemet #Kemetic #ancientegypt #kemeticism #polytheist #polytheism #Pagan #spirituality #religion #gods

Last updated 1 year ago

Shaseni · @shaseni
27 followers · 33 posts · Server

There is also Set’s side to the Wesir Mysteries that is often overlooked, but which I touch on in this poem…


I am Set, and I bear many sorrows.
I have lost much, yet still I walk free
In the deserts and the lonely places.

I am Set, yet My brother is dead,
And My sister against Me,
And My people estranged.

Who understands?

Every day I work for them,
Those who point the finger,
Those who shun.
Every day I slay
What needs to be slain,
So they can arise,
And go about their business,
And do ma’at,
And be renewed in Zep Tepi,
And forget about Whom they owe it to.

I am Set.
Strong of Sadness.

My brother, of great compassion,
Saw the dead were kingless.
And resolved to be with them.
But how?
Who had the strength
To send Him there?
Who had the strength
To hold the blame,
To bear the sorrows,
To be the outcast?

A god to kill a god,
Then mourn His brother.
So many sacrifices
In one act.

I have heard them say
That I am without love.
I have heard them say
That I am chaotic, evil, trickster.
I have seen them erase My name.
I have heard them laugh at stories about Me.
Yet they may thank Me one day,
When they see their King.

My children know.
They know the warmth.
They know the love.
They know the strength.
They know the clear vision an eagle would admire.
They know the precision a general would aspire to.
They know the persistence.
They know the sacrifice.
They know their Father.

Let no evil appear in your mouth against Me.
Do not turn against Me,
For I am Set,
Who sets up the storms and thunder
Within the horizon of the sky,
Like a fury!

I am Set.
Strong of Sadness.

~ Shaseni, 2022

#set #seth #Wesir #osiris #mysteries #vigil #poem #KemeticOrthodox #Kemetic #mythology #festival #holiday #Pagan

Last updated 2 years ago