#TIL about the existence of a language #WestFrisian https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Frisian_language how did I come around such a random fact? #K-9 @thunderbird updated. Someone added it as a new #language . #diversity thanks to #FLOSS
#TIL #WestFrisian #k #language #diversity #floss
Eddie Izzard trying communicate with a West Frisian speaker in Old English.
The main misunderstanding comes from the fact that Old English had two words meaning 'to buy' - bycgan and ceapian. Modern English only uses the descendant of bycgan, but West Frisian only uses a cognate of ceapian - keapje (pronounced like 'kee-a-p'yer') (#Frisian, #Westfrisian, #Frisistik, #Oldenglish).
#oldenglish #frisistik #WestFrisian #frisian