@Steam_Tinkerer ich geh gleich mit drei Kids ins Freibad (🫣 Difficulty Class 20) unf hoffe, die kinder machen so gut mit, dass ich unterm Baum chillen und über unser #WestMarches Spiel tagträumen kann. Mittags: Freibadpommes. Abends bin ich auf einer Geburtstagsfeier eingeladen.
@GrumblingGM this sounds like a cool idea for spicing up a #WestMarches game with some roleplaying activities, given that each live session should be pretty much self-contained (x no of PCs explore location y and return to their „base“). Would give the players an opportunity to „develop“ their characters by interacting with NPCs „back in town“, do stuff, research, whatever. Running a WM game has been on my mind for quite some time. Thank you for the inspiration
@Morgunin so cool. Kind of a #WestMarches approach to Shadowrun 🙂 25 years: wtf! Really impressive. I like approaches like the one you describe. So many people drop out of the hobby because they cannot schedule a regular gaming session due to kids, work- and family related RL obligations. Everyone is tired. Always 😞 It is good for our hobby, to evangelize modes of play that diverge from the hyper commitment of „story“ driven campaign play, daylong sessions or three days of playing at a con
I'm thinking of starting a live-play #Pf2e #WestMarches #discord for folks that want to play online via #foundryvtt and stuff like that. Would people be interested in such a thing? My home game is collapsing due to scheduling hell, and I want to keep running games in the world I've built.
#pf2e #WestMarches #discord #foundryvtt
In response to @awinnef
Currently Running:
1) #OldSchoolEssentials (playtesting my homebrew adventure: „Secret Shrine of the venerated Man-Spider“)
2) #Adnd (Running the #5e Version of #CurseOfStradh mixed up with 2nd ed Stuff and a #Westmarches Elements)
3) #TrophyGoldRPG
Currently Playing: #FiveTorchesDeep
Most Played: #Adnd, #5e, #GURPS 
Want to Try: #BoL, #Warlock, #BlackSwordHack, #KultDL, #Cy_Borg
Want to Return To: #MothershipRPG, #CthulhuDark, #DCC 

What about you? #pnpde #ttrpg
#OldSchoolEssentials #adnd #5e #curseofstradh #WestMarches #TrophyGoldRPG #FiveTorchesDeep #gurps #BOL #warlock #blackswordhack #kultdl #CY_BORG #mothershiprpg #CthulhuDark #dcc #pnpde #ttrpg
Travel in #DnD.
Do you handwave, or #hexcrawl, or a combo? Do you use random encounters while travelling?
I usually run a sandbox #WestMarches style of #DungeonsAndDragons game so hexcrawling and random encounters are a must.
#dnd #hexcrawl #WestMarches #dungeonsanddragons