Tonight in 1977 — WEST SIDE STORY (1961) aired on THE CBS FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIES.
It was billed as a “special presentation” and took up the entire night’s schedule!
#WestSideStory #classicfilm #1970stv #classictv #onthisday
Op vrijdag 2 juni zal het Zeister Mannenkoor samen met het gemengd koor Cantiamo uit Austerlitz een Voorjaarsconcert verzorgen. Het thema van deze avond is Musical. Onder andere stukken van de West Side Story, My Fair Lady, Les Miserable en Phantom of the Opera zullen ten gehore worden gebracht.
#zeist #zeistermagazine #mannenkoor #mannen #koor #austerlitz #oosterkerk #musical #concert #voorjaar #westsidestory #myfairlady #lesmiserable #phantomoftheopera
#phantomoftheopera #lesmiserable #MyFairLady #WestSideStory #voorjaar #concert #musical #oosterkerk #austerlitz #koor #mannen #mannenkoor #zeistermagazine #zeist
Natuurlijk kende ik het verhaal allang, vond ik de zang iets te zwak, de sets iets te nep en de lens flare iets te overdreven. En toch hè. Toch weer snotteren als een kind, om de nieuwe verfilming van #WestSideStory door #StevenSpielberg
#StevenSpielberg #WestSideStory
“My coolest moment was shaking Rudy Giuliani‘s hand. that was really cool for me... an honor to meet the guy.”
~ Emily Kohrs,
Georgia grand jury foreperson
She might as well have been singing:
🎼 I feel giddy!
Oh, so giddy!
I met Rudy,
that boot-licking lackey
for Trump,
And I pity
any girl who hasn’t met
the chump!”🎵
My apologies to Sondheim and Bernstein.
#EmilyKohrs #GeorgiaGrandJury #RudyGiuliani #DonaldTrump #ElectionFraud #IFeelPretty #WestSideStory
#WestSideStory #ifeelpretty #electionfraud #DonaldTrump #rudygiuliani #georgiagrandjury #emilykohrs
#WalterMirisch (1921-2023) — Oscar-winning producer of #InTheHeatOfTheNight.
As co-founder of The Mirisch Company, he also exec-produced #SomeLikeItHot, #TheApartment, #WestSideStory, #TheMagnificentSeven, #TheGreatEscape, #ThePinkPanther, #FiddlerOnTheRoof and many more. #RIPWalterMirisch #FilmMastodon
#FilmMastodon #ripwaltermirisch #FiddlerontheRoof #ThePinkPanther #thegreatescape #TheMagnificentSeven #WestSideStory #theapartment #SomeLikeItHot #intheheatofthenight #waltermirisch
睡醒了,开始发WSS疯 :ablobcall:
Tonight - 朴刚贤 李智秀 (0:55开始)
总算给我等到这一对了! :aru_0171: 最后那段撒腿就跑笑得我硬生生把眼泪逼回去 :aru_0160:
I know it’s Spielberg, but my god, he shot the choreography in #WestSideStory so damn well. The dance at the gym is just beautiful.
Nu op #BBC2 #WestSideStory : introductie van een hoopvolle tijd. Bevrijdend, emancipatorisch en sociaal vernieuwend.Actueler dan ooit…. nù . En ook nog prachtfilm uit mijn jeugd
"I loved #TwinPeaks because it was such a great gig. First, I hadn’t worked in a long time, so it was great to have a job again, and second, it was such a far-out series.”
Oscar nominee #RussTamblyn in 88 today.
#BornOnThisDay #BOTD #WestSideStory #PeytonPlace #OldHollywood #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #oldhollywood #peytonplace #WestSideStory #botd #bornonthisday #russtamblyn #twinpeaks
Afterlife 韩在雅x朴刚贤
Shownote制作人在后台拍的照片。舞台上的故事结束后回到现实的演员们却像童话一样美好 :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
@Beth I here ya. I watched the whole series, eventually. I agree the first season was best. However there were so many great episodes. I sometimes would just watch the musical numbers. A few over and over again. Ones that I especially like were covers of Amy Winehouse. Valerie and Rehab. I also loved remake of #America from #WestSideStory.
I think they should remake #WestSideStory but this time featuring a mortal feud between the #Apples and the #Androids.
#androids #apples #WestSideStory
#西区故事 #WestSideStory
韩版《Mambo》Highlight Clip :ablobcall:
Want to watch a *great* #film that is sure to be a genuine pleasure, but not too shallow - a truly satisfying film, that is?
Watch Steven Spielberg's criminally underrated #WestSideStory, which does so many interesting, yet subtle things to update the story. It's a story about us, today, fresh and heartfelt and important. It's beautifully shot, and precisely staged, and a #musical joy as well
#movierecommendation #filmrecommendation #recommendation #movieMastodon
#film #WestSideStory #musical #movierecommendation #filmrecommendation #recommendation #MovieMastodon
The one where we went out for an unexpected meal, and I turned a strangers head with the opening line of a famous song - #westsidestory #music #singing #dinner #meal
#Meal #dinner #singing #music #WestSideStory