Republican House attempts to restore schools as parent led instead of communist-government directed
#ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus #Trans-scam #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Trans #LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism
Mass photo shoot at Pharmacies tonight at 8:00 ET
An interesting bit of activism is being promoted on Twitter.
People are being asked to go to your local pharmacy at 8:00 ET and take a group photo with a flash right at 8:00 tonight.
Sat-cams are pretty good these days. Frankly, any gesture to support those who
Interview with Josh Alexander, the teen who dared fight the “gender demands” at a Catholic school
Please read the story details at RAIR Foundation.
#ExposingLeftism #GendercorrectionisthenewJosefMengele #LeftismonCampus #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #LeftismonCampus #GendercorrectionisthenewJosefMengele #ExposingLeftism
Segments of VOX party leader in Spain: Well worth the watch
Please read the details over at RAIR
#exposingIslam #IslaminEurope #VOXPartySpain #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #VOXPartySpain #IslaminEurope #exposingIslam
Brazil: Not January 6th, Sri Lanaka
Brazilians not accepting a stolen election and a communist leader installed, storm the Presidential Palace like Sri Lanka. (MSM of course claims it's like Jan 6 in DC.)
(Stunning lies about Jan 6 and the comparison. This is more like Sri Lanka.)
The Independent:
#Brazil #Counter-revolution #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Counter #Brazil
Father wins precedent setting law suit to not inject child with mRNA
Chris Daly won a lawsuit that has been used as a precedent to stop other parents from injecting children, with the so-called 'Covid vaccines'. We happened to run into Chris at a New Years Eve party.
Please see the write up at RAIR Foundation
#vaccines #Westfightsback
Australian Senator speaks plain truth on Vaxx in house. Enjoy
I watched this twice just for pleasure. I don't know what the law is on Citizen's Arrest in Australia, but I suspect everywhere we should learn the local ones. We may be near the point where we can prove they coerced us into taking these shots when they had no idea what they would do, or wors
#Australia #vaccines #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #vaccines #Australia
Premier Danielle Smith unveils Alberta sovereignty within United Canada act
Global News somehow managed to get very poor sound on this video. One hears the digital shutter sound from mirrorless cameras better than you hear the very important words she is saying. Also there is bumps and noise from the on camera mic whic
#Alberta #Westfightsback
ONE rational School Board Trustee
Hopefully soon, there will be a comprehensive look at what happened the night of the special session of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board meeting on reimplementing the Mandatory Mask requirements for students on November 22nd. We have a LOT of great footage and details on what took place that night. Details which also expose th
#Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism
An Open Letter to my Fellow Army General Officers-
30 November 2022
An Open Letter to my Fellow Army General Officers-
We all commissioned into the Army with ideals and a determination to make a difference. We would lead with character, create effective teams to win on future battlefields, and advance our beloved institution, a
#Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #Military #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #military #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism
Dutch political leader sums up the Great Reset and opposes it
Please read the story details at:
RAIR Foundation USA
#TheNetherlands #Thenewheroes #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Thenewheroes #TheNetherlands
Taking the country back: A new holiday for Canada and maybe after, the World
Clearly we cannot expect the elites to act in the interests of the public. The Catholic Church under Francis appears to be undermining all the precepts of that institution. They are doing so with a similar kind of humiliating set of deception
#Brazil #Canada #Elections #Truckerprotest #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Truckerprotest #Elections #Canada #Brazil
Interview with nurse who sued the NHS (UK) for racist class which claimed the bible and Whiteness are racist
#anti-whiteracism #England #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #England #anti
Elon’s Twitter
Remember when then President Trump was the only man in the world that was not allowed to block people from commenting on his tweets? Trudeau of course blocks anyone who challenges him from what I saw. But Trump literally was not allowed to block anyone, and as a consequence, every tweet had a huge string of at least hundreds of insults, vulgarity and accusations.
Let's have a l
#ElonMusk #Socialmedia #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Socialmedia #ElonMusk
Mike Lindell suing US Gov, FBI
May he win not just what he is owed, but may he by his actions, alert the people of the USA to the nature of the FBI as it is today.
#corruptUSleftists #Corruption #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Corruption #corruptUSleftists
Great video! Giorgia Meloni deals with gay activist who jumps on stage as she speaks
Please see the important story details at RAIR Foundation
#GiorgiaMeloni #Italy #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Italy #GiorgiaMeloni
Nurse & cofounder of Freedom Fighters on why she became an activist
Please read the story details at:
#vaccines #Westfightsback
The Trudeau government’s use of the Emergencies Act was illegal – now YOU can do something about it
The following video gives details on how to submit a comment or opinion on a public enquiry about Le Petit Dauphin, Wooly Bully, Justin Trudeau's illegal use of the Emergency Measures Act
#ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #Truckerprotest #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Truckerprotest #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada
The United People of Canada and St. Andrew’s Church building in Ottawa
Dialectically weaponized and government funded media in Canada, such as Global, CTV, and CBC, have been doing what they do to assist the powers that be to destroy a noble project.
The people who are attempting to buy St. Andrew's church and make it into a community centre which will allo
Australian Conference: Reclaiming Medicine 2022 registration
Book now for the groundbreaking Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) "Reclaiming Medicine" Conference 2022. Attend virtually or In-person.
AMPS believes the current range of issues brought about by the pandemic require
#Australia #Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #Policebrutality #vaccines #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #vaccines #Policebrutality #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures #Australia