#Wetbulb condition on the skin reached when picking raspberries an hour ago.
28 ° Celsius
humidity unknown
Yield is over 2 pounds every 24 hours. Fruits are getting smaller due to growing dryness: Good purpose to use the muddy water in the buckets.
Now enjoying the evening sun and warmth and drinking rasperry limo made from homemade sirup.
Restarting reading the toots of the day joy will most certainly retreat and make room for sorrow and pain again.
#Wetbulb #harvest #climatecatastrophe
Großartig erklärt, verständlich und eindrücklich.
Vielen Dank!
#Klimakatastrophe #Gesundheit #Feuchtkugeltemperatur #WetBulb
#klimakatastrophe #gesundheit #Feuchtkugeltemperatur #Wetbulb
20:27 Uhr, am Nordufer der Tide-Elbe:
19,5 °C, wieder steigend (die Sonne kam raus nach einem Tag voller Regen und Niesel)
82 % rH und steigend
Gegen die Innenräume (19 °C und vermutlich um die 72 % rH) fühlt sich das recht warm (und klebrig) an.
#Wetbulb #kuhlgrenztemperatur #klima
Did you know that if you have just the right balance of egg, milk, and cooking temperature you can make a sheet pan omelette so flexible it rolls?
This is the Croissomelette, in case you were curious.
6 eggs
2 Tbsp whole milk
1/2 Tsp kosher salt
Must be cooked at a wet bulb temperature of 181F for 5 minutes.
#Wetbulb #sousvide #egg #omelet #croissant