Hi! My . I’m a with dual wet-lab & dry-lab skills in biochemistry and bioinformatics/genomics, currently in . I’m coming up on the end of my in 6 months and am deeply considering my next steps. Am open to any career advice & informal chats, especially on the classic vs dilemma, and the less classic () vs dilemma. Feel free to reply, DM, or email at tfallon@ucsd.edu , or of course, toot @photocyte !

#introduction #PhD #SanDiego #postdoc #industry #academia #Wetware #laboratory #software

Last updated 1 year ago

"We thought we were safe, with our technolgy
But now it's clear, we're just their biology"

#Wetware #rudyrucker

Last updated 1 year ago

Tane Piper · @tanepiper
482 followers · 537 posts · Server tane.codes

In some way the feels like the true of a . Or ?

A stream of connected across nodes - available for to see.

Are we into the ? Is there out there?

for hire, for sale. Be want to be - to from

#Fediverse #metaverse #cyberpunk #dystopia #utopia #consciousness #hypermedia #relay #all #screaming #darkness #anybody #Wetware #Meatsacks #Whoever #you #anything #escape #twitter #hell

Last updated 2 years ago