Whānau inward bound from Ahitereiria ❤️ #NZTwits #MāoriToots #Aotearoa #Whānau
#NZTwits #MāoriToots #aotearoa #Whānau
#NZTwits Kia ora e te whānau
Ko Kim tōku ingoa
He kaitiaki pukupuka au
I am a feminist, cyclist and crafter who likes style and fashion. I post heaps of pics from my daily life.
#GLAMR #Library #highered #style #whānau #ebike #librarianWardrobe #OpenAccess #OA
#NZTwits #glamr #library #highered #style #Whānau #ebike #LibrarianWardrobe #openaccess #oa
Lovely having my moko here. Calls me Kui. I have had hugs. Everyone resting cos delayed flights. Friday off for a few days when the rest of whānau arrives from Naarm. I have not spent much time with them in the last few years and excited for this time together. #whānau #moko #NZTwits