#SciArtSeptember Day 8: Simian
Straying from the prompt. It triggered a memory of “SIMEON the Whale,” the #whale my English teacher thought Rusted Root’s song “Send Me On My Way” was about when he first heard it...Try listening and perhaps you’ll understand! Simeon struck me as a sperm whale. A fun, happy whale, perhaps the complete opposite temperament of Moby Dick. Then again, if you were being hunted, wouldn’t you be a bit grumpy?
#MastoArt #watercolor #brushlettering #sciart #nature
#sciartseptember #Whale #MastoArt #watercolor #brushlettering #sciart #nature
#pic #pics #pictures #picture #photo #photography #PhotoMonday #photografie #photographie #Fotomontag #foto #fotos #fotographie #fotografie #fotograf #boat #whale #wow #boats
#pic #pics #pictures #picture #photo #photography #Photomonday #photografie #photographie #Fotomontag #foto #fotos #fotographie #fotografie #fotograf #boat #Whale #wow #boats
Some #watercolor #paleoart from last winter — a Carcharocles #shark meets, but does NOT make friends with, a Janjucetus #whale. Somewhere off Late Oligocene Australia (approx. 25 mya).
#watercolor #paleoart #shark #Whale
Musical Interlude......
#MusicalInterlude #Whale #HoboHumpinSloboBabe #WeCare #AltRock #EuroPop #90sMusic #PopMusic #Music #YouTube
#musicalinterlude #Whale #hobohumpinslobobabe #wecare #altrock #europop #90smusic #popmusic #music #youtube
@DoctorBlob And if the notion of a #whale carcass falling out of a glacier seems unlikely, it has been documented before!
Roger Payne, Biologist Who Heard Whales Singing, Dies at 88
His underwater microphones recorded “Songs of the Humpback Whale,” inspiring a movement that led to national and international bans on commercial whaling
#whales #Whale #fieldrecordings #fieldrecording https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/14/science/roger-payne-dead.html?smid=nytcore-android-share
#whales #Whale #fieldrecordings #fieldrecording
🐳 Cétacé des riches ! Coulons le Capitalisme !
🐳 Over-whale-ming the rich! Let's sink capitalism!
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#MastoArt #FediArt #Vintage #cyanotype #cyanotypeart #whale #baleine #anticapitalisme #anticapitalism #Anarchie
#MastoArt #fediart #vintage #cyanotype #cyanotypeart #Whale #baleine #anticapitalisme #anticapitalism #anarchie
#LesBellesRencontres Au Sud de la Basse-Californie, on peut observer de nombreuses baleines à bosse qui passent au large (quand c'est la saison). On les voit faire leur show régulièrement : elles sautent, elles tapent des nageoires, ou passent tranquillement. C'est toujours un spectacle époustouflant à voir ❤️
#Wildlife #EarthisBeautiful #Mexico #Whale #HumpbackWhale #Baleine #JumpingWhale
#lesbellesrencontres #wildlife #earthisbeautiful #mexico #Whale #humpbackwhale #baleine #jumpingwhale
Et pour @GayssimusGracchus j'ai sculpté ça ! (le corps est en charme, les nageoires en chutes de plancher en châtaignier)
#woodworking #MastoArt #fediart #sculpture #Whale
I'm a freelancing illustrator from Poland with variety of art styles. I specialize in creature, animal, and game art and I draw dinosaurs for a living. Thanks for looking #PortfolioDay
#illustration #fediart #MastoArt #digitalart #dinosaurs #gameart #whale #painting
#portfolioday #illustration #fediart #MastoArt #digitalart #dinosaurs #gameart #Whale #painting
#LesBellesRencontres Un moment privilégié que d'aller voir les baleines grises dans la lagune de Ojo de Liebre en Basse Californie. Elles y reviennent chaque année pour y mettre leur bébé au monde et se reproduire. Les baleines grises sont très joueuses et curieuses. Le plus triste, c'est qu'on en avait dans l'Atlantique, avant... mais il a fallu qu'elles tombent sur les hommes qui ont profité de leur bienveillance...
#Whale #WildLife #Nature #GreyWhale #Mexique #Voyage #Travel
#lesbellesrencontres #Whale #wildlife #nature #greywhale #Mexique #voyage #travel
I don't know why I feel compelled make my toots #HashtagDay posts, but here's a new one #MonsterMonday
It's a #skywhale!
#hashtagday #monstermonday #skywhale #art #Whale #okayitsnotreallyawhale #sorrywhalepeople
New #paleoart — a primitive #shark and #whale play cat and mouse in the oceans of Oligocene #Australia (25 mya).
#palaeoart #sharks #whales
#paleoart #shark #Whale #australia #palaeoart #sharks #whales
Amazing #drone #photography of a #Whale giving birth.
this video on YouTube felt like a message but also raised so many #questionsofourage
#drone #photography #Whale #questionsofourage
#AlulaWhale taxonomy! That’s right, a #cryptid #whale was given a scientific name and it’s *technically* available (but not valid). I really love the #Cryptocetology sub-practice of #Cryptozoology because there’s a non-zero chance some mystery whales are real — albeit most likely to be subspecies or color variations.
#alulawhale #cryptid #Whale #cryptocetology #cryptozoology
New on the Animal Toy Blog, sperm whale adult and calf (Monterey Bay Aquarium Collection by Safari Ltd.): https://animaltoyforum.com/blog/2022/12/29/sperm-whale-adult-and-calf-monterey-bay-aquarium-collection-by-safari-ltd/
#animaltoyblog #toy #Whale #spermwhale #safariltd #monterey
Oh right, back in the day, I made images showing off the peculiar proportions of #Caperea compared to the more conventional Fin #Whale as well as a manatee. You’d never be able to guess Caperea looks so weird inside!
The cetotheriid Cetotherium has the next-lowest lumbar count at 8 and a more normal thoracic count of 10. It’s far less extreme but certainly an interesting similarity.
A new experimental semi- #paleoart watercolour featuring a #megalodon #shark and a generic #prehistoric baleen #whale . The scan does a pretty poor job of relaying the subtler colours in the piece 🤪
#paleoart #megalodon #shark #prehistoric #Whale