Just in time for Xmas:
A revision of the #WhatIfBook is available.
With a brand new chapter on #CausalMediation.
We also made general improvements and corrected typos (Thanks!).
The first edition of "Causal Inference: What If" is expected in bookstores before the Summer of 2023. We'll keep a free version online.
I know, "the" hazard ratio is so easy to estimate via a Cox model with covariates.
But estimating adjusted absolute risks, risk differences and risk ratios is easy too.
We explain how in Chapter 17 of the #WhatIfBook
#python #sas #stata #rstats #WhatIfBook
My #introduction:
I repurpose observational #RealWorldData into scientific evidence for the prevention and treatment of human disease. At #CAUSALab, we often do so by explicitly emulating a #TargetTrial. Other times we analyze #RandomizedTrials.
I teach #causalinference methods at the #Harvard T.H. Chan School of #PublicHealth. My online course #CausalDiagrams and “Causal Inference" #WhatIfBook (with James Robins) are free. See my profile.
#ai #datascience #statistics #epiverse #epidemiology #WhatIfBook #causaldiagrams #publichealth #Harvard #CausalInference #RandomizedTrials #TargetTrial #CAUSALab #RealWorldData #introduction
Upgrade your #causalinference arsenal.
A revision of our book "Causal Inference: What If" is now available
Thanks to everyone who suggested improvements, reported typos, and proposed new citations and material.
Enjoy the #WhatIfBook.
Also, it's free.