What I learned about me when I started reading novels again
My gateway drug was *The Ten Thousand Doors of January* by Alix Harrow. I loved it, then I wondered why, then I figured it out.
#WhatImReading #LockedTomb #alixeharrow #fantasy #reading #atheism #blaugust2023
Just started tracking my reading at #Bookwyrm (Goodreads is owned by the Am*zon parasite), kinda fun. Here is monthly blog post on What I'm reading:
#complicity #complicit #NeilGaiman #books #WhatImReading #Bookwyrm
Picked this up in a #littlefreelibrary and brought it with me to the cafe. I never read it ten years ago. Did you?
Instead I watched the movie, from a stadium seat in a theater in downtown San Francisco, and left with a sense that worse than corruption is this sense that our global systems of governance and finance are visionless, directionless and unmoored.
#littlefreelibrary #WhatImReading
Book 4 of 2023:
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce
Started: 11/02/23
Finished: 09/03/23
⭐⭐ 2/5
I honestly don't even know what to say about this, it was so depressing! I don't usually finish 2* books but this was like some sort of hostage situation.
I just finished the first story, #Jhereg in The Book of Jhereg by #StevenBrust Someone mentioned it was on sale (as an ebook) so I nabbed it on Kobo a few days ago.
This is such a fun read! I can't believe I haven't read Brust before, as this is just the kind of fantasy I tend to enjoy (well, one kind of fantasy I tend to enjoy).
And I have a lot more books about #Vlad to read 😃
#WhatImReading #BookStodon #FantasyFiction
#fantasyfiction #bookstodon #WhatImReading #vlad #stevenbrust #jhereg
I woke up this morning thinking that the grandchildren of the kids I teach will be alive to see the year 2140.
Book 3 of 2023:
Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg
Started: 19/01/23
Finished: 04/02/23
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
I absolutely love this series. It's utter escapism which is normally not my thing but I just adore all the characters 🧡
After seeing Six, I’m now on a Tudor queens kick. About to dive into The Creation Of Anne Boleyn and Divorced, Beheaded, Survived - anyone have other suggestions ? #Bookstodon #Histodons #Reading #WhatImReading
#WhatImReading #Reading #histodons #bookstodon
YLE about misinformation https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/the-science-and-business-behind-covid
Book 2 of 2023:
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price
Started: 24/07/22
Finished: 16/01/23
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 3.5/5
A v.interesting book about autistic masking written by an autistic, trans psychologist. As the author is American it's fairly US-centric but still relatable to other audiences.