Luckily “What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?” Won an Oscar for costume design because it was not a major beach party hit
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
@SchlocklusterVideo “New From Max Factor: The Baby Jane Hudson Make-Up Gun. Max factor: Make-Up for the stars- And You!”
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
Say what you will but Jane’s pretty spry for an older gal that drinks and dissociates all day
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
Never let it be said that Jane isn’t thorough
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
Edwin’s really hoping that skirt doesn’t fly any higher…
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
Edwin’s really hoping that skirt doesn’t fly any higher…
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
A lost opportunity to cast Victor Buono in a 70s neo-noir remake of “Hangover Square”💔
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
@SchlocklusterVideo “Attention all cast and crew: Ya’ can’t have any ice cream if ya’ don’t eat ya’ din din”
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
I’m starting to think that maybe Jane might be a little bit …unhinged
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
Here for “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?”
#TCMParty #WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
#tcmparty #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane
Still from 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?' (1962)
#FilmStill #BetteDavis #JoanCrawford #CultFilms
#timeforbed #filmstill #bettedavis #joancrawford #cultfilms #WhateverHappenedtoBabyJane