The Skeptics Guide #938 - Jul 1 2023 - THE SKEPTICS' GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE - What's The Word: Decussate; News Items: Ripples in Spacetime, Mars Simulation, Multimillion Dollar Psychic Scam, Who Is Most Susceptible to Misinformation, Malaria in Florida; Your Questions and E-mails: Existential Dread #SGU #SkepticsGuide #NowPlaying #podcasts #ScientificSkepticism #ScienceBasedSkepticism #ScienceOrFiction #WhosThatNoisy #NotACon #WhatsTheWord #malaria #misinformation #mars #spacetime #PsychicScam
#psychicscam #spacetime #mars #misinformation #malaria #WhatsTheWord #notacon #whosthatnoisy #scienceorfiction #sciencebasedskepticism #scientificskepticism #podcasts #nowplaying #skepticsguide #sgu
So much of writing is saying to my family, 'you know that thing that looks like this? what's the word for it?'
and it happens so often I wonder how I manage to even talk most of the time
#amwriting #WhatsTheWord #language #wordsfailme