What’s in flower at The Fuchsietum? #Lungwort. #Pulmonaria ‘Roy Davidson’ according to a label I found from the previous owners while cleaning up. But it also seems to have seeded itself around a bit so I’m not sure if the name fully applies. #WhatsinFlower
#lungwort #pulmonaria #WhatsinFlower
What’s in flower at The Fuchsietum? #Rhododendron racemosum. #WhatsinFlower
What’s in flower at The Fuchsietum? A Clivia. Indoors anyway.
What’s in flower at The Fuchsietum? #Hamamelis ‘Amethyst’ is unfurling its crinkly little ribbons already. If we’re comparing gemstones, the color is really more of a rhodolite garnet purple or a purplish-pink Burmese spinel than an actual amethyst but it still has a very unique tint. #WhatsinFlower
What’s in flower at The Fuchsietum? Fuchsia boliviana is still blooming away. Seasons end, though, and it’s time to bring it in. The weatherman has a freeze scheduled for tonight and then maybe a couple of frosts again over the next few days. #WhatsinFlower #Fuchsias #FuchsiaSpecies
#WhatsinFlower #Fuchsias #FuchsiaSpecies