> et, plus récemment, ceux de spécialistes d’#histoire sociale:
> #MarkTauger dont la plupart des articles et ouvrages sont téléchargeables
> et R.W. #Davies and S.G. #Wheatcroft, The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931-1933,
> New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
> (travaux catégoriques sur le caractère non volontaire et non génocidaire de la famine ou grave disette,
> non limitée à l’#Ukraine, qu’a connue une partie de l’#UnionSoviétique en 1932-1933)
#unionsoviétique #ukraine #Wheatcroft #davies #MarkTauger #histoire
#Davies & #Wheatcroft (2009)
> The Years of #Hunger: #Soviet #Agriculture, 1931–1933
> #RobertConquest, the most widely cited advocate of the view the #famine was man-made, has clarified his position on this matter and has clearly stated that although he thinks that the famine was caused by the #Bolsheviks, who engaged in criminally terroristic measures, he nevertheless does not think that it was consciously intended
#bolsheviks #famine #RobertConquest #agriculture #soviet #hunger #Wheatcroft #davies