Hi, just showing off how strong my wheelchair and I are. 😜
Photos are from performances with Misiconi. This is a dance company which works with dancers with and without disabilities. You can read more about it and our projects over here:
(There is a yellow translate button in the corner.)
We dance at festivals, conferences and in theaters. Please hire us! 😄 Or :boost_ok:
#wheelchair #WheelchairDancer #disabled #inclusive #InclusiveDance
#InclusiveDance #inclusive #disabled #WheelchairDancer #wheelchair
These photos were made by Darkashter when I just had my dance wheelchair. I am a terrible dancer if I didn't have this wheelchair. 😄
#dance #wheelchair #WheelchairDancer
#WheelchairDancer #wheelchair #dance
To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
#teacher #accessibility #WheelchairDancer #dressmaking #disabled #eds
@lila_bliblu I'm a #dancer / #WheelchairDancer :da_onfire:
I also sew and embroider, both on a machine.
What a warm welcome, thank you all! Nice to see a lot of you are interested in my dancing. If you know any other (wheelchair) dancers, let me know! I would love to connect and see what other dancers do. 💓
Here's a tiny clip from a duet with Annelies Jansen, a fusion bellydancer. It was at the Shimmy Shake Festival in 2019. Love how they did the lights, although I couldn't see much. 😄
Music: Placebo - Running up that hill
#dancing #fusionbellydance #wheelchair #wheelchairdancer
#WheelchairDancer #wheelchair #fusionbellydance #dancing
Hi! I'm Jacqueline and I'm a #WheelchairDancer from the Netherlands. Besides #dancing I do some #sewing and #MachineEmbroidery. Mostly dresses and #wheelchair stuff.
#introduction #wheelchair #machineembroidery #sewing #dancing #WheelchairDancer