Finally found time to download & process this image of the #WhirlpoolGalaxy taken by the 2 metre #LiverpoolTelescope via #NationalSchoolsObservatory on 25th July 2022. It's a single 120 sec photo through a red filter. I processed it using Photoshop CS2 + Fast Stone #Galaxy #RemoteTelescope
#WhirlpoolGalaxy #liverpooltelescope #nationalschoolsobservatory #galaxy #remotetelescope
The skies here have been crap but I got 3 hours on this beauty with my Celestron C8N at f/6.3, ZWO ASI 294mc Pro, autoguider & EQ6R
#M51 #WhirlpoolGalaxy #astrophotography
#M51 #WhirlpoolGalaxy #astrophotography
Whirlpool Galaxy M51 March 2022 vs. January 2023
#astrophotography #WhirlpoolGalaxy #M51
Discovery of the first #Exoplanet Candidate outside our Home #Galaxy #milkyway |. Discovery of the first exoplanet candidate in X-ray #binary M51-ULS-1 in the #spiral galaxy #Messier 51 (M51), also called the #WhirlpoolGalaxy using transit technique by observing dips in brightness at X-ray wavelengths....
#exoplanet #galaxy #milkyway #binary #spiral #messier #WhirlpoolGalaxy